Benefits Address or circumstance change for Housing Benefits Benefits fraud Bins and Recycling Damaged grass verges or planted areas Missed bin collection Council Tax Council housing communal area repair Council housing repair Council planning report Housing Disrepair in private rented properties Empty property Unlicensed HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation) Damp and mould Libraries and Archives Lost library card Parking Incorrectly parked vehicles Parks, Sport and Recreation Problems with trees Unsafe trees Planning and Development Breach of planning control Dangerous structures Planning control breach Planning enforcement issue Unauthorised or unplanned development Pollution and Nuisance Abandoned vehicles Air pollution Anti-social behaviour Burglar alarms Crime Dangerous dogs Dead animal Dog fouling Dust pollution Farm animals Fly-posting Fly-tipping and litter Graffiti removal High hedges Litter: organise a community litter pick Litter: collection after a community litter pick Lost or found dogs Noise nuisance Odour and fumes Smoke nuisance Stray dogs Unhygienic food premises Untaxed vehicles Public Health Food business Food safety problem Hygiene of a food premises Light pollution Pest problem Roads and Pavements Blocked road drain (gulley) Bridges, subways, retaining walls and other roadside structures Broken pavements Damaged grass verges or planted areas Problems with benches Problems with bollards Flooded road Problems with highway fences Grass verge needs cutting Report a problem with a grit bin Hedges, plants or grassed areas Kerbs: damaged or missing Leaves on a road or pavement Potholes Pedestrian crossings Road markings Roadside structures Road signs Street lights Spillages on the highway Subways Traffic lights, crossings and road signs Weeds on roads or pavements Winter road maintenance and gritting Schools and Childcare Child not attending school Problem at an empty school Social Care Adult abuse Child abuse Domestic abuse Forced marriage Hate crimes and incidents Mental health and DoLS Safeguarding concern