Reporting a planning enforcement issue

If you believe a development has taken place without planning permission or in breach of the granted permission you can report it to us.

What we can enforce

If a development has taken place without the necessary planning permission or it has failed to comply with the conditions of the planning permission we may be able to take action.

We can investigate:

  • carrying out development where no planning permission has been sought
  • carrying out development which deviates from granted planning permission
  • breach of conditions which were imposed under planning permission
  • unauthorised display of advertisements
  • unauthorised works to a Listed Building
  • unauthorised works to a protected tree
  • unauthorised works in a conservation or protected area such as greenbelt
  • unauthorised change of use
  • untidy land

You can find a more detailed list of what we can and can't investigate in the Local Enforcement Plan.

What we can't enforce

Non-material planning considerations such as: 

  • loss of property value
  • damage to private property 
  • or loss of view

Complaints used to protect a private or commercial interest against another, such as:

  • boundary or land ownership disputes
  • internal alterations to houses (unless a listed building)
  • external security lights fixed to houses
  • high hedges
  • opposition to business competition

Issues covered by other legislation such as:

  • noise complaints
  • improper use of the highway
  • building regulations such as dangerous structures
  • blocking of designated rights of way, health and safety and site security

Reporting an issue

Before you report a development you can check if it has planning permission.

If you believe the development is taking place without planning permission or in violation of its permission you can report it.

Find out if a property has been served a notice

You can find out if a notice has already been served on a property or site address by searching the historical index and registers of Enforcement and Breach of Conditions Notices.

Complain about our service

If you have a complaint about our Planning Service or our planning decision making process, please follow our corporate complaints process.

Contact Planning Helpline

Howden House
1 Union Street
S1 2SH

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