Christmas opening times 2024: We are closed to all but essential services over the Christmas period. You can still use our online services to report, apply and pay 24/7.
Complain about a council service
If you feel that a council service hasn’t been properly delivered, you can make an official complaint.
These areas have separate complaints processes to follow:
- Complain about Housing or Housing Repairs Service
- Complain about Adult Social Care services
- Complain about Children's Social Care services
- Complain about a councillor
- Complain about a licence holder
- Reporting planning enforcement issues
- Private tenants' complaints about being harrassed or illegally evicted
- Complain about an education service
- Complain about a taxi or taxi driver
Appealing decisions/fines
We do not treat these as complaints. Please follow the procedures detailed on your decision letter or fine.
Complaining about another council service
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days and wherever possible we will seek early resolution with you.
If this is not possible, we will carry out a complaint investigation. We aim to complete this within 10 working days.
A manager will contact you during the investigation to discuss your complaint. We'll write to you to confirm the outcome of the investigation. We will explain any actions we will take.
Reviewing our decision
If you are not satisfied with our response you can ask for a more senior manager to review your complaint.
Please contact the manager named in our formal response letter to you, or contact Customer Services. Provide details of why you are not satisfied and what further action you want to be taken.
They will aim to complete this review and write to you with their decision within 20 working days.
The review is the final stage of the Council's complaints procedure.
If you remain dissatisfied
If you are not satisfied with our review response or you feel we have not handled your complaint properly, you can contact the Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman will not normally look into a complaint until the Council has had an opportunity to deal with it. However, you can contact their Advice Team at any time.
Our complaints policy
Our complaints policy, including response timescales, are detailed on this page.