We are responsible for investigating complaints in relation to drivers, vehicles and operators licensed within the city of Sheffield.
Complaints can include:
- poor customer service
- poor standards of driving
- overcharging
- refusal to hire
- vehicle defects
- failures to display driver/vehicle identification
- prolonging journeys
- plying for hire
- issues against an operator
- equality issues (wheelchair / guide dogs issues etc)
- non-compliance with conditions
We are able to offer advice to both the public and the licensees in order to rectify issues that arise. We also have further powers available to us eg prosecution, suspension of licences, revocation of licences and warnings.
How to make a complaint
In order to ensure that your complaint can be fully investigated and the appropriate enforcement action taken, please complete an incident form. Please provide as much information as possible to assist our officers in their investigations.
Please submit the complaint form and any other useful information to taxilicensing@sheffield.gov.uk
If we decide to take prosecution action, you must be willing to appear before a Council Committee or Magistrates Court as a witness.
Dangerous driving, assault or theft should be reported to the Police and then to the Licensing Service. If the matter is an emergency, call 999.