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Oral history collection

… of 389 Compact Discs recorded in early 1980s. People from Sheffield were interviewed and recorded talking about their … in a fascinating collection of memories and anecdotes of Sheffield and times gone by. Copies of the CDs are available … Studies Library, Central Library. Contact us on  to find out more, book in advance or order …

Green Commission

… … Key experts, influencers and decision makers in Sheffield formed the Green Commission to recommend how to make the city sustainable. Sheffield’s Green Commitment is the final report of the Sheffield Green Commission. The report is based around the …

Carers' Strategy

… Carers' Strategy … We want Sheffield to be a city where Carers are valued and have the … The partners working on the Carers’ Delivery Plan are: Sheffield City Council Sheffield Carers Centre Sheffield Young Carers Sheffield

Magistrates Court records

… licensing for sale and consumption of liquor. Records of Sheffield Division cover the borough and City of Sheffield and records of Upper Strafforth and Tickhill … Ecclesfield and Bradfield. Contact us on  to find out more, book in advance or order …

Ecology Unit

… Ecology Unit … The Sheffield City Ecology Unit is made up of a small team of … are implemented across our services managing the Sheffield Biological Records Centre designating and reviewing 255 local wildlife sites within  Sheffield (123 in positive conservation management 2014) …

Autism Partnership Board

… families and carers. … What the partnership board does The Sheffield Autism Partnership Board holds to account Sheffield City Council, Clinical Commissioning Group and Sheffield Health and Social Care Trust to implement the …

National Health Service

… of governors. Under the NHS, the voluntary hospitals in Sheffield were brought together into one administrative unit known as The United Sheffield Hospitals. The local authority hospitals were placed under the management of the newly created Sheffield Regional Hospital Board and were administered in …

Our libraries

… should only take a few seconds. … Some library services in Sheffield are delivered by us, and some by community groups … gives details of all libraries accessible to the public in Sheffield.  … Libraries delivered by Sheffield City Council …  or call …

Religious Education Council

… Education (RE) for all maintained schools age 4 to 19 in Sheffield to monitor the provision of RE in Sheffield schools, preparing an annual report to us and the … Advisory Councils on Religious Education to advise Sheffield schools on Collective Worship and consider requests …