Christmas opening times 2024: We are closed to all but essential services over the Christmas period. You can still use our online services to report, apply and pay 24/7.
Our adult social care vision and strategy
Sheffield Adult Social Care envisions a Sheffield that everyone can call home within communities that care.
We want people to be celebrated for who they are and for them to be able to do things that matter to them. When they are in need of care, we want them to receive the kind of support that prioritises independence, choice and recovery.
Adult Health and Social Care strategy
We have developed a new Adult Health and Social Care strategy to set out our vision for 2022 to 2030 called Living the Life you want to Live.
Living the Life you want to Live is about how we work together to help the people of Sheffield live long, healthy and fulfilled lives.
We are pleased to share the strategy and the high-level plan, which describes some of the actions we intend to take to meet the strategy.
We have developed these from discussions with a wide range of individuals and groups between late 2020 and early 2022. This includes people who receive care and support, their carers, communities and people who work in adult health and social care.
We’ve listened to what people have said, and their feedback has been used to develop the strategy and the high-level plan.
The strategy and high-level plan were formally agreed at our Co-operative Executive meeting on 16 March 2022.
The strategy delivery plan for 2022 to 2030 was formally agreed at the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee on 15 June 2022. We will work with communities to refresh this plan each year.
You can read:
- a full version of the strategy (24 pages)
- an easy-read version of the strategy (25 pages)
- our high-level plan (1 page)
- our delivery plan (9 pages)
- an easy-read version of the delivery plan (14 pages)
We have also included audio versions of the strategy and delivery plan through SoundCloud.
The strategy also includes appendices that provide additional information about the strategy, its development and our plans for delivery. This will be updated regularly.
If you need the information in a different format, please call us or email
If there are terms in the strategy that you don't understand, you can use Think Local Act Personal's jargon buster to help you read the document.