Your housing options in Sheffield

If your current housing is not adequate

If your current housing is not adequate

If you are considering moving from your current property, we may be able to help you remain where you are.

If you are a current council tenant, your neighbourhood officer will assess your situation. Visit Neighbourhood offices for their contact information. However, your reasons for wanting to move may not result in a priority award.


Get in touch with us about concerns. We may be able to help you to resolve the problem or provide information for organisations that can offer support so that you can stay in your home.

If there are immediate safety concern, contact emergency services immediately on 999 or 101 for other matters.  

If you are concerned about your safety in your property, such as due to anti-social behaviour, please visit Anti-social behaviour and safety for more information.

If domestic abuse is occurring in your home please visit our Domestic abuse page for more information, advice and support. If you need to leave today, get in touch with the Independent Domestic Abuse Service. They are the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence.

Transfers due to property size

Your property is too big

If your council property is too big, then you may be able to apply to transfer to a smaller property. There is higher demand for larger properties, so we may also be able to give you priority to do this.

For further advice on this, please contact your Neighbourhood office or get in touch with us.

Your property is too small

Unfortunately, many people in Sheffield currently live in overcrowded homes, and there is an extreme shortage of larger council properties in Sheffield.

If the overcrowding is significant, or you have other housing needs, contact your Neighbourhood office or get in touch with us.

There is an extensive wait to secure another property through the housing register.

housing register.
You can use the guide to waiting times map to see waiting times and recent lets.

Health and home adaptations

If you need help with care and support in your home, there are services you can look at before starting a housing application.

We may be able to support you to stay in your current home by installing suitable adaptations such as handrails.

Equipment and adaptations for your home will explain how we can do this.

If you feel that your property is no longer meeting your health or mobility needs, we may be able to help you to move to a more suitable property through you contacting your neighbourhood office.

Housing associations and private rented properties

If you live in a housing association or private rented property and require adaptions, please contact your landlord.

Help meeting the costs of your home

If you are struggling to meet the costs of your home, you can visit our Benefits pages or call the service on 0114 293 000 for financial help or advice.

Rent arrears and failing to pay your rent can lead to eviction or affect your chances of being rehoused in the future. Contact us immediately to arrange a repayment agreement if you need to.

Additional help for rent

Households who are receiving Housing Benefit, or assistance towards their housing costs through Universal Credit, and are experiencing financial hardship when meeting their rent costs, can make an application or further assistance from the.

The application can be found at Discretionary Housing Payment and Council Tax Hardship Scheme.

Costs of living and budgeting

If you are currently struggling to meet the costs of your home, for financial help or advice you can visit Cost of living.

You may also be eligible for Housing Benefit.


A good budget can prevent you from falling behind in arrears and starting an application to find a cheaper property elsewhere. We help you with better planning your:

  • rent
  • moving costs
  • Council tax
  • utility bills
  • food 
  • internet
  • furniture and household goods
  • TV licence

Completing a monthly household budget planner is a good place to start. MoneyHelper's Pay Your Own Way guide is a good reference.

If you want to discuss the results of your budget planner or need our help assessing your affordability,  contact us.

If you want to speak to an officer to discuss budgeting or for some money advice, please contact us.

Affordable furniture

If you're struggling to afford furniture for your property, and therefore want to apply for a new one, there are many charities in Sheffield that sell second hand furniture and household items for less money than you would normally have to pay in a high street shop. Many of these charities also deliver items to your home. 

Some include:

It is worth looking at online auction websites or local selling groups. These are often great places to find affordable furniture and household items. There are also several charities in Sheffield that sell furniture.

Energy saving

You can reduce your bills by being efficient with your energy. Home energy efficiency advice provides advice on how to do this.

You are under 18 and want to leave home

We cannot legally offer tenancies to people aged 16 or 17, but if you’re a young person, and it’s not appropriate to stay at home please contact us.

We may still be able to help you without you beginning a housing application. 

You can also still sign on the housing register and apply for housing once you are 18. 

What we can do

When you come to see us, you will be seen by a Housing Solutions Officer. They will make an assessment, and if possible they will try to help you return home. 

If it is not possible for you to return home, you will be offered a temporary place to stay for up to 6 weeks. You will work with a Housing Solutions Officer, a Social Worker and staff at the assessment placement. They will decide your next planned move. 

The assessment placements offer supported accommodation to young people. They have staff there 24/7 to support you and make sure you are safe. 

Supported accommodation 

If you are in supported accommodation, you can apply for hostel leavers priority and get a tenancy but only when you are assessed as being ready for one. Please get in touch with us if this is the case.

Nomad Sheffield is a charity that provides access to shared housing in Sheffield to people aged 18 and over who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Get in touch with the if this is a situation that you are facing.

Homelessness and rough sleeping

If you are at risk of homelessness within 56 days, get in touch with us. We will try to help you remain in your home if it is safe to do so.

We can also help you look for a range of alternative accommodation if you cannot stay at home.

The earlier you make contact the more likely it is we will be able to help you prevent homelessness. Get in touch with Housing Solutions. 

Contact Council Housing Service

0114 293 0000
Monday to Friday
8am to 5:30pm
Housing and Neighbourhood Service
PO Box 5967
S2 9GH

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