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South Local Area Committee Community Plan
The South Sheffield Local Area Committee (LAC) developed our community plan through consultations with residents, community groups and other stakeholders in South Sheffield.
These consultations have helped us identify key priorities within our area, which will inform the steps we’ll take to tackle issues that matter most to residents.
The key priorities highlighted in the plan are:
- environment and green spaces
- transport and highways
- community safety and crime
- communities
- employment and skills
- children, young people and families
Next steps
The community plan sets out actions to address each of the priorities. You can read the proposed actions in more detail in the full version of the plan (appendix A). These include:
- environment and green spaces: reduce and prevent litter, fly tipping and graffiti, produce street art, litter picking and additional bins, plant wildflowers and develop green spaces
- transport and highways: reduce inappropriate parking, work with the community to help inform transport improvements, increase levels of active travel, improve access routes
- community safety and crime: install Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS), install traffic calming measures, work with volunteers and partners to reduce levels of speeding, support Neighbourhood Action Groups (NAGs), work with partners to reduce crime and increase feelings of safety
- communities: support and develop community activities, capture and share information about Voluntary, community and faith sector (VCFS) group activity and opportunities
- employment and skills: support those who are digitally excluded with skills, development and access to employment, map out and support improvement and access to ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
- children, young people and families: map out youth provision to understand and help fill any gaps, support and increase engagement, increase activities, support work to connect and engage with children and families
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the South LAC, please get in touch.
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If you would like a copy of the community plan in an alternative format, please contact us.