The South East Sheffield Local Area Committee (LAC) developed our community plan through consultations with residents, community groups and other stakeholders in South East Sheffield.
These consultations have helped us identify key priorities within our area, which will inform the steps we’ll take to tackle issues that matter most to residents.
The key priorities highlighted in the plan are:
- transport and highways
- environment
- community safety and crime
Next steps
The community plan sets out actions to address each of the priorities. You can read the proposed actions in more detail in the full version of the plan. This includes:
- Reducing pollution and congestion around schools, parking schemes, active travel and other transport and highway priorities
- Supporting litter picking groups, developing environmental groups, engaging with young residents and other environmental priorities
- Tackling perceived fear of crime, creating networks and support systems, increasing number of toddler groups and other community safety and crime priorities
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for the South East LAC, please get in touch.
Sign up for email updates about your local area.
If you would like a copy of the community plan in an alternative format, please contact us.