The North Sheffield Local Area Committee (LAC) developed a community plan through consultations with the public. We identified key issues within the area and developed a series of priorities that would inform the direction of the LAC.
The key priorities highlighted in the plan are:
- improving local transport through practical highways improvements and promoting better public transport
- improving community safety
- improving community life
Next Steps
A number of areas for further exploratory work have been identified. A few are listed below:
- support initiatives to develop community transport
- deliver a series of pedestrian improvements across the North
- promote routes to report crime and promote accurate perceptions of the risk of crime
- support work to improve parks and open space alongside friends of groups
- a continued focus on those in greatest need with support for Cost of Living initiatives
- explore work to combat social isolation across communities and ages including working with young adults
An action plan will be developed to track the implementation of agreed work.
If you have any comments or suggestions for North LAC, please get in touch.
Sign up for email updates about your local area.
If you would like a copy of the community plan in an alternative format, please contact us.