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Anti-Apartheid Movement research guide

… to persuade shoppers to boycott apartheid goods. In 1981 Sheffield became the first local authority to pledge that it … some form of anti-apartheid initiative. Cllr Mike Pye of Sheffield helped set up LAAA and chaired its National … work creating a new constitution for South Africa. In 1993 Sheffield City Council conferred Honorary Freedom of the City …


… Roadworks … Find roadworks in Sheffield You can use our interactive map to find out about … maintained. The current scale of permit fees that apply in Sheffield is included in the Sheffield Supplementary Information Document. The fees will …

Election results

… Election results for councillors in city wards within Sheffield. … Firth Park local election 16 September 2021 … to vote Yes or No on the following question: "Do you want Sheffield City Council and the Peak District National Park … place on 6 May 2021: City and parish council elections Sheffield City Council Governance Referendum Police and Crime …

Domestic abuse and sexual violence advice and support

… be able to conduct your whole call in silence if needed. … Sheffield has a range of domestic abuse services that offer … provider of community support for domestic abuse in Sheffield for women, men and people who are non binary. You … Sunday it is between 11am and 8pm. … Safe accommodation Sheffield has refuge and dispersed safe accommodation for …

Independent Inquiry into the Street Trees Dispute

… but you don’t hear from the Inquiry team, please see the Sheffield Tree Archive page for more information about how … The public hearings supported the ongoing recovery in Sheffield from the street trees dispute, by providing an … our  online archive or by getting in touch with  and quoting the reference: X974/4. … 8 …

Planning consultations

… Planning consultations … Sheffield Plan: Our City, Our Future - Issues and Options … October 2020. This is the first stage of preparing the new Sheffield Plan. Further details are available on the Emerging Draft Sheffield Plan webpage. … Local Agents Forum The forum …

World War One research guide

… late 1918. Our study guide lists sources available within Sheffield Local Studies Library and Sheffield Archives relating to the First World War. It looks … military establishments, personal stories from the Front, Sheffield’s munitions factories, the role of women in the war …

Airports research guide

… Airports research guide … Sheffield has been described as the only large city in Europe … The document below lists the main sources available at Sheffield Archives & Local Studies which can be used to investigate the many plans for an airport in Sheffield. Contact us on  to find …

Youth services transition

… Youth services transition … Since our contract with Sheffield Futures finished at the end of September 2020, we … services internally where possible. Around 100 staff from Sheffield Futures are now council employees, so you may see … of excellent partners across the city to support and guide Sheffield’s young people towards successful adulthood. What …

Cemetery Registers

… century (with a number of gaps). Contact us on  for more information, to book appointments … or order archival materials. Location of records Sheffield Archives, 52 Shoreham Street. Ordering documents … means of dealing with the deceased from around 1885. In Sheffield the crematorium opened in 1905. After 1813 details …