Christmas opening times 2024: We are closed to all but essential services over the Christmas period. You can still use our online services to report, apply and pay 24/7.
Urban Design
Sheffield is a city with a distinctive character and setting, comprising a diverse range of communities and neighbourhoods.
We believe high quality Urban Design is of critical importance to the city, supporting Sheffield’s transformation, promoting sustainable development and delivering high quality places.
We lead on a wide range of projects and programmes across the city, produce policy and guidance, and offer advice to help raise the standard of Urban Design in Sheffield.
We are involved in leading, contributing to, as well as co-ordinating preparation of Urban Design Frameworks, Area Action Plans for regeneration areas and Planning Briefs for strategic regeneration sites.
We work with different sections including City Regeneration Division, Forward and Area Planning and Development Management.
Sheffield Design Panel
The Panel is made up of a group of experts from a range of built environment professions including sustainability, urban design, architecture, landscape architecture and development. Their background ranges from both the public and private sectors and represents local and national practices.
Appropriate development schemes from across the city are presented to the Panel, who provide design comment during the Panel session. The Panel is independent and provides formal advice which is a material consideration in the Planning process.
Schemes are encouraged at the earliest possible stage; early engagement with architects and developers is a critical means of facilitating the highest quality development for Sheffield. Good design does not have to equate to additional cost when integrated from the beginning and the Panel is keen to review schemes when the comments can make a positive difference.
Aims of the panel
The aims are to:
- continue Sheffield's transformation by encouraging high quality design
- secure design excellence in the built environment
- contribute toward our objectives to become a low carbon city
- assist in local action to tackle climate change
- help to reduce carbon emissions
The Panel aims to support and encourage well designed, environmentally sustainable buildings and public spaces.
Panel members
There are 30 panel members, including the Chair.
Panel fee
The fee is payable in advance. The fees are:
- full review £2000 + VAT per scheme
- updates/ return review £1500 + VAT per scheme
If you have a query about panel fees email
Panel meeting format
The Panel membership on the day will consist of the Chair and members from core specialisations (Sustainability, Architecture/ Urban Design and Landscape), with other members dependent on the impacts.
Members will be asked in advance to advise of any conflict or perceived conflict of interest in advance of the meeting so that alternative panel members can be arranged if necessary. If a panel member becomes aware of a conflict at the panel meeting they must declare it and no longer take part in the consideration of that scheme.
Briefing information about the schemes being presented will be sent to the Panel Members at least a week in advance and panel members will be asked to make themselves familiar with the scheme in advance of the panel.
A site visit will be carried out in the morning, and the Panel meetings will be usually in the afternoon from 2 pm onwards.
Agendas will be decided atleast 3 weeks in advance of the meeting. Payment will need be processed in advance, in order to confirm attendance at a Panel.
Following the review, the Panel will send out their comments in a letter by email two weeks after the Panel meeting. This letter which will capture the summary of advice provided on the day, will be signed off by the Chair.
Panel meeting dates
- 8 May 2024
- 17 July 2024
- 9 October 2024
- 4 December 2024
- 5 February 2025
- 26 March 2025
If you have any questions regarding the Sheffield Design Panel please email