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Adopted Sheffield Local Plan
We're legally obliged to produce a development plan for the whole of Sheffield (except for the area in the Peak District National Park) and to keep it up to date.
The current adopted Sheffield Local Plan comprises the Sheffield Core Strategy (adopted March 2009) (formerly called the Sheffield Development Framework Core Strategy) and ‘saved’ policies from the Sheffield Unitary Development Plan (1998). Many of the policies in the UDP were superseded when the Core Strategy adopted.
A list of the ‘saved’ and superseded policies is provided below. The Council uses the Core Strategy and the saved UDP policies when deciding whether to grant planning permission.
The Council is preparing a new Local Plan which we are calling the ‘Sheffield Plan’.
The Sheffield Core Strategy
The Core Strategy was adopted on 4 March 2009. The Core Strategy is the first of the planning documents of the Sheffield Development Framework (SDF).
Its purpose is to answer the question 'At a strategic level, what is going to happen, where and how is it going to happen?'
It sets out the overall vision, objectives and spatial strategy and policies for Sheffield over the period to 2026. An independent inspector examined the soundness of the Core Strategy following its submission in September 2007. Her report was published on 10 February 2009.
The Sheffield Unitary Development Plan
The Unitary Development Plan (UDP) was adopted as the statutory development plan for Sheffield in March 1998. It consists of:
- a policy document
- a proposals map
Unitary Development Plan Documents
Unitary Development Plan policy chapters
UDP maps
Superseded policies
Some UDP policies were superseded by Core Strategy policies but are retained until the Sheffield Plan is adopted, so that they can continue to guide decisions about planning applications. In the event of any conflict between a UDP policy and an adopted Core Strategy policy, the Core Strategy will take precedence.
Our Car Parking Guidelines were reviewed when the Core Strategy was adopted and are to be interpreted as a maximum standard. Any variance will be assessed following the guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Monitoring Reports
The most recent full Local Plan Monitoring Report was published in 2011.