You can view all current and historical planning applications online. If the application is live then you may also be able to comment on it. Before commenting on an application there are some things you need to know.
To comment on an application, you will need to Register on Public Access.
When you comment on a planning application, we will publish both your comments and your address on our website. This is to demonstrate your interest in a planning application and because the process is transparent and open.
In confidence and anonymous comments will generally not be considered, although there are some exceptions. If you have a specific reason for not wanting your address to be displayed on our website, for example if you are subject to harassment, then please contact us.
We do not check comments received via Public Access before they are published. Please do not include any personal data or other information you are unwilling to see online. If personal data is included by mistake, please let us know and we will remove it as soon as possible.
Where comments are received via email or letter, we will remove your name, email address, telephone number and signature before we publish them online.
Please do not make comments of a personal, defamatory or otherwise offensive nature and do not use the online comments facility as a forum to exchange views.
We reserve the right to remove inappropriate comments or to close your account if we determine that you are not using the service appropriately.
All comments we receive about a planning application will be considered, but only comments that raise material planning considerations can be taken into account when an application is decided. Due to the large number of comments we receive, it is not possible to respond to individual representations.
For more information on the matters we will consider, you can read Decisions and appeals.
You will be responsible for tracking the progress of an application, including if it is to be presented at a future planning committee meeting.
The agendas for these meetings are generally published eight days in advance of the meeting date.
Any representations submitted in relation to an item to be presented at Planning Committee must be submitted 24 hours before the meeting commences to be taken into account.
Find out if a property has been served a notice
You can find out if a notice has been served on a property or site address by searching the historical index and registers of Enforcement and Breach of Conditions Notices.
For more details or copy of a particular notice, please email