Penistone Road Gateway Action Plan

Penistone Road is an important corridor in Sheffield, in terms of its significant investment, transport and leisure roles as well as serving the communities around it.

The Penistone Road Gateway Action Plan (or PR GAP for short) is a guide to improve the way the corridor looks and feels; from its buildings to the spaces around them and along the corridor which will encourage and guide private development as well as public investment. This document includes the following strategies:

  • characterisation study – a study of the character of the areas along the corridor: Wadsley Bridge, Owlerton, Hillfoot/Hillsborough and Philadelphia/North Neepsend
  • urban design study – this is design guidance for future buildings in the corridor
  • landscape guidance – this looks at the quality of the appearance of the spaces around the buildings along the corridor and how this can be improved
  • public art – how to improve the physical appearance of the corridor using public art working with people from local communities and businesses

A public consultation was held in the area in February and March 2010. The final document was adopted as Interim Planning Guidance by Cabinet on 14 July 2010 and will now be used to guide development and seek private or public sector funding for delivery on its proposals as and when opportunities arrive.

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