Our Woodlands and Countryside Section cares for one of the city’s finest resources, providing at least 25 million visits to the city’s parks, woodlands and open spaces each year. We have over 100,000 trees in parks and open spaces meaning we are the most wooded and treed city in Britain (10.4% woodland by area).
We have 80 ancient woodlands and 180 woods in total, with Ecclesall Woods being the largest ancient semi-natural woodland in South Yorkshire.
Our roles and responsibilities
Our key roles are:
- the maintenance, management and development of woodlands and trees in parks and open spaces
- Community Forestry, involving local people in improving their environment
- organising educational, interpretative and recreational events
- protecting and enhancing wildlife and historic landscapes
- ancient woodland restoration and management
- offering a Commemorative Tree Scheme
- providing a consultancy service to our other services
- generating income from timber and firewood sales to help manage our woods
Maps of trees and woodlands
You can view maps of Sheffield's trees and woodlands, trees planted by Community Forestry and sponsored trees.
Report problems
Please contact us and if possible, please tell us:
- what the problem is
- the exact location of the tree, eg on land behind house number and road name
- please leave a contact number in case we need to contact you about your enquiry