Where premises are being constructed or altered, or are going to be constructed or altered, people who have an interest in the premises may apply for a provisional statement.
Why apply for a provisional statement
It serves as an indicator as to whether a premises licence is likely to be granted before you begin your construction or alterations.
If a provisional statement is granted, you will still need to apply for a premises licence in the normal way before the premises can be used for any licensable activities.
There is no obligation to apply for a provisional statement prior and it is up to you to decide if you want to apply for one.
In order to lessen the potential for an application being rejected, or for representations being made, we strongly advise applicants to discuss their proposed application with the relevant responsible authorities first.
Vessels, vehicles or movable structures that are not permanently situated or moored can't apply for a provisional statement.
Who can apply for a provisional statement
A person can apply to us for a provisional statement if they are interested in the premises and they are aged 18 or over.
How long does it last
A provisional statement does not have an expiry date. However, we recommend that you apply for a full premises licence as soon as possible. If there is a lengthy delay before a premises licence is applied for there is a greater potential that comments in opposition to your proposal may be received.
A fee of £315 is required on application.
What you need to provide with your application
Please submit the following:
1. Completed application form (and privacy statement if applying by post)
This will provide:
- your details and explain your interest in the premises
- the licensable activities the premises will be used for
- the timings you would want to apply for
- a detailed plan of the works to be done at the premises.
- details of the steps that you will take to promote the four licensing objectives - these will be attached to your licence as conditions
2. A plan of the premises
Applications should be submitted with a plan of the premises which must be in a specific format.
3. Confirmation of advertisement of your application
You are required to advertise your application in two ways:
- in a local newspaper
- display a notice on the premises
You should submit confirmation of the newspaper submission with your application and a copy of the newspaper notice as soon as possible.
4. Confirmation that you have served your application to the responsible authorities
If you are applying online this will be done automatically.
If you have not applied online, you must provide a copy of the full application and documents to all responsible authorities.
What happens once you have made an application
Once we receive your application, a 28 day consultation period begins allowing comments (representations) to be made about the application by responsible authorities and any local residents or interested parties.
During this time, the responsible authorities will work with you to ensure your proposals are in line with the four licensing objectives.
If no objections are received during this period the application will be deemed granted after the last date for representations and your licence will be issued and sent to you.
If relevant representations are received within the 28 day consultation period a hearing will be held within 20 working days to determine your application. You will be notified where and when this will be in writing.
Apply for a provisional statement
You can apply online for a provisional statement.
Before you apply for a provisional statement by post you should pay online first and provide a reference of payment with your submitted application.
You can then download and print any required forms and send them to us and all the responsible authorities.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
If you want to appeal a decision this must be done through the Magistrates Court within 21 days of our decision being made.