Premises licence and club premises certificate holders can apply for minor variations to their licences.
This is a simplified and shorter process for making minor changes, provided that the changes do not have an adverse effect on any of the licensing objectives.
What parts of a licence can be changed
Minor variations will generally fall into four categories:
- minor changes to the structure or layout of the premises
- small adjustments to licensing hours
- the removal of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable licence conditions or the addition of volunteered conditions
- the addition of certain licensable activities
What parts of a licence cannot be changed
You cannot use a minor variation to make a change to:
- extend the length of your licence
- vary substantially the premises
- change the designated premises supervisor
- add the sale or supply of alcohol
- authorise the supply of alcohol at any time between 11pm and 7am
- authorise an increase in the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold or supplied
If the changes you need to make are not possible with a minor variation, you will need to apply for a change (variation) to your licence or certificate.
Who can apply for a minor variation
The current named premises licence holder, their nominated agent or solicitor can apply.
It costs £89 to apply for a minor variation.
What you need to provide with your application
We are unable to provide you with advice on whether you should apply for a minor variation or apply for a full change (variation) to your licence or certificate. You should obtain your own legal advice.
You should submit the following:
1. A completed minor variation application (and privacy statement if applying by post)
You can complete this form online or download it to print out and send by post. Your application must show what changes you want to make.
2. A plan of the premises if you are changing the layout
Applications that request an amendment to the existing plan should submit a new plan of the premises with the requested changes. The plan must follow the format of your current premises plan.
3. Your original premises licence or club premises certificate
Ensure that your original licence or certificate and summary is accompanied with the application or, if that is not practical, a statement of the reasons for the failure to provide this.
4. Confirmation of advertisement of your application
You only need to advertise your application by displaying a notice on the premises, this must be displayed for 10 consecutive working days from the day after submitting the application to us.
There are regulations you need to adhere to when advertising an application for minor variation of a premesis.
We also have a template for a notice that you can download and make your application with.
What happens once you have made an application
We will grant an application if we consider that none of the variations proposed could have an adverse effect on the promotion of any of our licensing objectives. If we believe they will have an adverse effect then we must reject the application.
Once we receive your application there is a 10 working day consultation period for comments from the public or other responsible authorities. This begins on the first working day after we have received your application.
We may consult with any or all of the responsible authorities as appropriate and consider any comments received.
Once this period has elapsed, we must decide on your application within 15 working days, beginning on the first working day after we received your application, and confirm whether the minor variation is granted or your application has been refused
Tacit consent will not apply
You cannot assume your variation has been granted if you have not heard from us after the 15 day period. If we fail to respond to you within 15 working days, your application will be treated as refused and we will return the fee to you.
Apply for a minor variation
You can apply online for a minor variation to your premises licence or club premises certificate.
Before you send your application by post, you should pay online first and provide a reference of payment with your submitted application.
You can then download and print any relevant forms and send them to us by post.
How to make an appeal or a complaint
There are no grounds for appeal against decisions on minor variation applications.
Members of the public who are experiencing problems with licensed premises should contact us for advice.