What do you want to do?
On 9 September 2024, legislation came into force to ensure there will be an independent review by either a medical examiner or a coroner before a death can be registered. There are no exceptions.
The role of the medical examiner
The majority of deaths must be scrutinised by a medical examiner. Once this scrutiny has been completed, the death can be registered, and a funeral can take place.
Contact the medical examiner
The Medical Examiner’s Office in Sheffield is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm except for bank holidays. A medical examiner is on call 9am to 10am on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays except for Good Friday and Christmas Day.
The Medical Examiner's Office in Barnsley is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm except for bank holidays.
Referrals to the coroner
A death will only be referred to a coroner when one of the following applies:
- there is no attending practitioner to provide a cause of death
- the attending practitioner or medical examiner cannot establish the cause of death
- Section 3 of the Notification of Deaths Regulations 2019 applies
Once the coroner is made aware of a referrable death, one of their officers will contact the deceased's next of kin to discuss the investigation process.
Contact the Coroner's Service
The Coroner’s Service for Sheffield and Barnsley is located at the Medico-Legal Centre in Sheffield and is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm except for bank holidays. You can contact the Coroner's Service on 0114 273 8721.