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Race Equality Commission
The Sheffield Race Equality Commission was established in Summer 2020 to provide an independent strategic assessment of the nature, extent, causes and impacts of racism and race inequality within the city.
The Race Equality Commission has been chaired by Professor Emeritus Kevin Hylton from Leeds Beckett University who has been supported by 24 Commissioners.
How the Commission has worked
The Sheffield Race Equality Commission has carried out short inquiries, taking evidence before producing its report make recommendations on the key themes of:
- Business and Employment
- Civic life and Communities
- Crime and Justice
- Education
- Health
- Sport and Culture
The Sheffield Race Equality Commission has considered a range of written and oral evidence received from organisations and individuals from Sheffield and elsewhere. It has looked at what people thought would work to tackle racism and racial inequalities in the city.
Hearings for each of the six themes were held between May and July 2021 after which all the evidence was assessed. An interim update was published in October 2021.
The Commission’s final report and full recommendations are now available alongside evidence submitted to the Commission and videos of the Commission’s hearings.
Sheffield Race Equality Commission Report
The full Race Equality Commission Report and Summary can be downloaded here:
Race Equality Commission Report Launch
Responses to the Race Equality Commission's recommendations
You can download our reports responding to the Race Equality Commission's recommendations.
Race Equality Commission Videos
Videos of the Race Equality Commission Hearings can be accessed below.
- Business and Employment Day 1
- Business and Employment Day 2
- Civic Life and Communities Day 1
- Civic Life and Communities Day 2
- Crime and Justice Day 1
- Crime and Justice Day 2
- Education Day 1
- Education Day 2
- Health Day 1 - no video is available
- Health Day 2
- Sports and Culture Day 1
- Sports and Culture Day 2 - available shortly
Sheffield Race Equality Commission Evidence
Further organisational and all individual evidence will be uploaded shortly.
Business and Employment - Sandra Kerr CBE, Race Director, BITC
Civic Life and Communities
Civic Life and Communities - Independent Inquiry into Sheffield City Council’s Relationship with African Caribbean Enterprise and the Yemeni Community Association 1995
Crime and Justice
Education - National Education Union
Sport and Culture
Sheffield: its history and heritage told through its streets, monuments, museums, libraries and archives.
Report of Racism and Inequality in the Cultural Holdings of Sheffield can be downloaded below.