As a large employer, we must publish and report specific figures about our gender pay gap.
This includes:
- mean gender pay gap in hourly pay
- median gender pay gap in hourly pay
- proportion of males and females in each pay quartile
Please note: we don't have a bonus pay scheme, therefore there is no gender pay gap in terms of bonus pay.
Our approach to pay
We are confident that men and women are paid equally for doing equivalent jobs across our organisation.
Our aim on matters of remuneration is to have in place an approach that enables us to:
- recruit and retain people with the skills and expertise to deliver high quality services to the citizens of Sheffield City Council
- manage employee remuneration in a manner that is fair, transparent and reasonable
- take account of national and regional pay policy and market trends in the context of local government
- have a framework for managing the range of pay across the Council’s workforce, this is known as pay ratios
- have simple uniform packages across all employment groups and to manage pay matters within national guidelines and agreements
- protect and remunerate low paid employees at appropriate levels and this includes the Council’s commitment to the Living Wage
- protect jobs and services for as long as reasonably possible and this includes a prudent, affordable and fair approach to pay
Breakdown of employees by gender
- 39.68% of our employees are male
- 60.32% of our employees are female
Overall gender pay gap
- women's median hourly rate is 0.25% lower than men’s
- women's mean hourly rate is better than men’s hourly rate by 1.10%
Year on year quartile change
The ideal gender split per quartile would be 25%. This wouldn’t be achieved due to rules around aligning where the quartiles sit, and the gender ratio split within that.
There has been a positive female movement into the middle two quartiles which has increased the percentage of females by 1.20% to 48.09. Most of the movement has been in the lower middle quartile.
The percentage of males in the upper middle quartile is disproportionate to the other quartiles but has decreased on the 2022 figure.
Lower quartile
- male 24.24%
- female 25.45%
Lower middle quartile
- male 24.76%
- female 25.22%
Upper middle quartile
- male 28.3%
- female 22.87%
Upper quartile
- male 22.7%
- female 26.46%
Next steps
We will continue to look in more detail into the reasons behind our pay gap with a view to identifying further potential actions to address this. We will carry on engaging with our equalities groups and trade unions in these discussions.
We will review the following employee statistics and put the relevant actions in place:
- the number of men and women who apply for jobs or promotion and the number of men and women who are successful
- the numbers of men and women who apply externally compared to internally
- the proportion of women and men who return to work after maternity, paternity, adoption or shared parental leave to resume their original jobs
- talent management and people development, for example whether the pipeline to senior roles working as it should for women
- analyse the data on recruitment, specifically the take up of posts by gender
- further analysis to understand the turnover and retention