Election notices



When an election is called we issue notices to inform the public that they are taking place. These include the date of the election, information on how to stand as a candidate and where and when you can cast your vote. These notices will be published on this page and at Howden House.

We also issue notices of referendums. These include the referendum question, date of the referendum and when you can cast your vote.

Where a seat on the City Council, or one of the Parish Council's becomes vacant, a notice to announce this, and how to ask for an election, will be posted on this page.

General Election: Thursday 4 July 2024

The Prime Minister has called a Parliamentary General Election for 4 July 2024. 

Voters in each of the six Parliamentary constituencies covering Sheffield will have vote to elect 1 Member of Parliament (MP). Notices relating to these elections are available.

Bradfield Parish Council, Worrall Ward by-election

An election has been requested by 10 electors of the Worrall Ward of Bradfield Parish Council to elect 1 parish councillor for that ward. Below are notices relating to this by-election.

Notice of casual vacancy: Ecclesfield Parish Council, Thorncliffe Ward

There is a casual vacancy in the office of Councillor for the Thorncliffe Ward of Ecclesfield Parish Council.

Contact Electoral Services

Town Hall
Pinstone Street
S1 2HH

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