Councillors' allowances and expenses

We operate a Members' Allowances Scheme and each Member (Councillor) receives a basic allowance. The scheme also includes special responsibility allowances paid for particular duties.

Expenses are only reimbursed where incurred on “approved duties” and relate to travel, subsistence and dependent carers’ costs.

Councillors' allowances are published on a quarterly basis, with annual accounts published at the end of each financial year. You can download and view them below.

The Members’ Allowances Scheme is published within the Council’s Constitution. The Scheme can be found at Part 6.

Joint Bodies Members' Allowances

We appoint Councillors to serve on joint bodies and several of those bodies also pay allowances to their Members.

The South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority and the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority operate their own Members' Allowances Schemes.

Members of the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel receive an allowance of £920 per annum, paid by the host authority (Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council).

Independent remuneration panel

Prior to 1 April each year, we have to agree a Members’ Allowances Scheme for the forthcoming financial year.

At least every 4 years, an independent remuneration panel has to consider the scheme and make recommendations to us. However, it is for us to decide on the Members’ Allowances Scheme that is put in place, having regard to the panel’s recommendations.

You can view the latest reports of the panel, along with the decisions taken by us in response to the reports. 


An independent remuneration panel must have at least 3 members. Sheffield’s panel members are drawn from the public, private, voluntary, community and faith sectors.

The present membership of the panel and their terms of office is:

  • David White – retired HMI and Justice of the Peace (to 1 November 2025)
  • Michael Heselton – Principal Lecturer, Sheffield Hallam University and Justice of the Peace (to 1 November 2025)

A recruitment process will be undertaken over the coming months to fill the vacancies on the panel.

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