How to access help and support for your family

If you feel that your family needs some extra support, the right service will depend on your needs.

Universal services

For a little extra help and support, you can find information and advice on the (link is external)Sheffield Directory Children and Families website. You could also join one of the Sheffield Parent Hub groups. The groups focus on positive parenting and are run by friendly professionals who are trained in evidence-based parenting programmes.

Getting help

If you need to talk to someone about your worries and get help, you can speak to your midwife, Health Visitor, or school pastoral support. They will give you good advice. You can also visit your local Family Hub.


Targeted support

If you feel that your family has many support needs and you need a key worker to coordinate a range of support for your family, speak to your midwife, Health Visitor, or school pastoral support. You can complete an Early Help Assessment together.

The Early Help Assessment will explore your family’s strengths and needs. It will help you and the people already working with your family understand what more can be done to help you. It will also determine if additional services are needed.  

If you don't feel able to speak to the professionals already involved with your family, you can call 0114 203 7485. However, it's better to speak to the professionals already involved with your family. They know your family and can offer additional support.

Targeted support may be offered from a range of services that might include the (link is external)Family Intervention Service, Family Hub networks or other specialist services.


Statutory and complex needs

If you feel that your children are at risk of significant harm then call 0114 273 4855 and speak to a social worker.

Contact Family Intervention Service

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