Complain about a school or childcare

The first step is always to raise any issues with the school, service or provider by completing their full complaints procedure. Most issues can be resolved in this ...

Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child's class teacher. All staff will make every effort to resolve your problem informally. 

If you are dissatisfied with the teacher's response you can make a complaint to the Head Teacher. This could be made in writing or by making an appointment to discuss the problem.

You may find it helpful at this stage to have a copy of the full statement of the School Complaints Procedure as this explains in detail what procedures are followed and what to do if you are still not satisfied. This is available from the School.

There’s a lot of information about council departments on our page, but according to ( a complainant has to:

  • complain to the head
  • write to governors or trustees
  • complain to DFE is unsatisfied

we recommend:

  • simplifying the page to clearly explain what a parent has to do
  • clearly explain that they cannot complain to us
  • offer support (which council department would offer support to a parent complaining about a school?)
Sheffield SEN and Disability Information Advice and Support (SSENDIAS).

Sheffield SEN and Disability Information Advice and Support (SSENDIAS) provide impartial, confidential information, advice and support to parents or carers of children with special educational needs on all matters relating to their child’s education.

Nursery and Children's Centre Complaints Procedure

We welcome suggestions for improving our work in the children's centres and nursery schools. We understand that a common fear is that our relationship with you and your child will be affected if you express dissatisfaction.

What to do first

Most concerns and complaints can be sorted out quickly by speaking with your child's nursery staff.

All staff will make every effort to resolve your problem informally. They will make sure that they understand what you feel went wrong, and they will explain their own actions to you.

They will ask what you would like the centre or school to do to put things right. Of course, this does not mean that in every case they will come round to your point of view but it will help both you and the centre or school to understand both sides of the question. It may also help to prevent a similar problem arising again.

What to do next

If you are dissatisfied with the staff's response you can make a complaint to the Centre Manager or Head Teacher.

This could be made in writing or by making an appointment to discuss the problem. You may find it helpful at this stage to have a copy of the full statement of the centre or school Complaints Procedure as this explains in detail what procedures are followed. This is available from the centre or school office.

The Centre Manager or Head Teacher will ask to meet you for a discussion of the problem. You may take a friend or someone else with you if you wish.

They will conduct a full investigation of the complaint and may interview any members of staff or pupils involved. You will then receive a written response to your complaint, which you may wish to discuss with them.

If you are still unhappy

If you are still not satisfied, you may wish to contact our Senior Manager who will then invite you to a meeting, which the Centre Manager or Head Teacher may also attend.

The centre or school Complaints Procedure statement explains how these meetings operate.

If you are still not satisfied, you may refer your complaint to the Head of our Young Children's Service.

Complaints about centre or school problems are almost always settled within the centre or school, but in exceptional cases it may be possible to refer the problem to an outside body such as the Advice and Conciliation Service.

This is independent of the centre or school. Again refer to the centre or school Complaints Policy.

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