Closure of Springfield Primary School's nursery

Springfield Primary School is a Local Authority maintained school with an attached nursery. It is for children aged 3 to 11. However, a decision has been made by Sheffield City Council Local Authority, working in partnership with the Governing Body of Springfield Primary School, to permanently close the nursery attached to Springfield Primary school, following consultation with the community.

The Nursery will permanently close by 25 July 2025. Full details of the notice are available on this page. 

Reason for closure

There has been a reduction in the number of children taking up a place at the early year’s nursery (3 to 4-year-old) at Springfield over the last 5 years. This is despite the best efforts of the school and its governors to improve this.

Alternative provisions

There are 36 nursery and PVI settings in the area delivering early years provision. There are excess places across the area for 3 and 4-year-olds with a 93% take-up rate.

Despite the closure of this nursery, families still have access to a good Early Years place within their community for their children. This because of there are a number of good private provisions in the area that can offer greater flexibility in terms of:

  • age range
  • opening hours
  • outside of term-time provision
  • than the school nursery

The building space can continue to be used as a hub for delivering social support sessions and catering for the health of families and children. It's a great asset for the community in an area of high need and deprivation. It delivers sessions such as: 

  • family and adult community education (family learning)
  • parent and toddler groups
  • start Well programmes
  • Family Intervention Service and Family Hub programmes
  • Sheffield Children’s NHS Services – child health workshops for continence, school nursing and public health nurses
  • afterschool club provision (this space will continue to be used for the benefit of the children and community of Springfield)

Displacement and travel

This permanent closure will not cause displacement of any pupils. This is due to the Nursery already being closed on a temporary basis since 1 September 2023 with no pupils in attendance.

The locations of other nursery and PVI settings in the area are between 0.4 and 7 miles from Springfield Primary School, so it is not expected that this proposal would increase the number of car journeys.

For anything to do with the proposal, please contact Rebecca Fletcher on 07789032074 or

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