Sunbeds and tanning

UV tanning equipment operators must undertake the following:

  • assess the risks caused by your work activity including those from exposure to UV radiation
  • take measures to control, as far as is reasonably practicable, the risks
  • that staff have been provided with suitable training and are competent in the operation and use of any tanning equipment
  • if you have 5 or more employees, that the risk assessment is suitably recorded

Client record cards

It is strongly advised that the operator discusses with clients, the information covered on the sample client record card designed by the service before allowing the use of UV tanning equipment. This includes relevant medical history or any health issue which may be affected by exposure to radiation.

The client record system should include details of the age of the client to help ensure compliance with age restrictions in the Sunbeds Regulation Act 2010.

Display information clearly

Customer information from the HSE publication ‘Reducing health risks from the use of ultraviolet (UV) tanning equipment’ should be displayed.

Staff training

It is recommended that training of the staff should be documented and include:

  • awareness of short term and long term health risks from too much exposure to UV tanning equipment
  • precautions to follow
  • importance of eye protection
  • understanding of the equipment and how to assess the number and duration of tanning sessions to reduce health risks to a minimum

Maintaining equipment

It is important that all UV tanning equipment be suitably maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidance.

It is important that these are checked by a competent person and that a suitable system is in place with respect to the changing of UV tubes on the equipment.

The replacement tubes should be checked to ensure that they are suitable for the equipment in question and that where different wattage of UV is to be used, that you provide this information to the clients.

Contact Health Protection

5th Floor North
Howden House
1 Union Street
S1 2SH

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