Sexual health services

We have responsibility for ensuring that sexual health services are provided for everybody living in Sheffield. We now want to make some changes to the way services are provided to make it easier for people to get to the service that they need, at a time when they need it and in a place that is convenient for them.

To do this we are running a public consultation to find out what matters most to people when visiting a sexual health service. The feedback from the survey will be used to plan how services will be provided in the future. 

Most people at some point in their lives will access a sexual health service; this might be for contraception, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections including HIV testing, support and advice about sexual health/contraception or referral onto other services.

It is important that these services are easily accessible for people of all ages and are provided in a way which best meets people’s needs. At times some people may need to access a sexual health service in a hurry so it is important that people know what services are available and how to use them.

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