Make an application for works to trees

Protected trees

Apply for permission to work on trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or give us notice of proposed works to trees in a conservation area.

How to apply

If a tree is protected by a TPO, then you can make an application for tree works on the Planning Portal.

Other ways to apply

You can apply by post by downloading an application form from the Planning Portal website.

What information you must include

The application must be submitted on the specified form and contain all the information that the form requests.

Failure to provide this information will mean that we do not have sufficient information to process your application. This will result in delays.

Guidance is available to support you in completing the form.

We recommend that you seek assistance from an arborist to create a clear specification of the work you intend to carry out.  

Send your completed form to or by post to:

Plans Admin
4th Floor South
Howden House
S1 2SH


There is no cost for making an application to carry out works on trees protected by TPOs. 

What happens next

If you've applied for consent to work on a tree protected by a TPO, then we will contact you to tell you of our decision within eight weeks.

You can appeal against our decision. We'll send you information about how to do this included within the decision notice. 

You can also appeal if we haven't made a decision on your application within eight weeks of the application being validated.

If you've notified us of proposed tree works in a conservation area, then we will aim to respond within six weeks. We will let you know the six-week expiry date. You should not start work within that six week period as you may be committing a criminal offence by doing so. Certain exceptions may provide you with a defence. 

We recommend that you seek legal advice if you are at all uncertain whether an exception applies to the works proposed.

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