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Telecoms, environmental, microclimate and lighting
These other local information requirements occur in particular circumstances; they comprise of the following:
- telecoms
- environmental Impact Assessment
- microclimate Assessment
- lighting Assessment
Planning applications for mast and antenna development by mobile phone network operators in England should be accompanied by a range of supplementary information including the area of search, details of any consultation undertaken, details of the proposed structure, and technical justification and information about the proposed development.
Planning applications should also be accompanied by a signed declaration that the equipment and installation has been designed to be in full compliance with the requirements of the radio frequency (RF) public exposure guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
Environmental Impact Statement
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure must be followed for certain types of development before they are granted consent.
The UK procedures are set out in Environmental impact assessment: guide to procedures.
An Environmental Statement (ES) is:
- always required for Schedule 1 projects
- may be required for Schedule 2 projects
It may be helpful for a developer to request a 'screening opinion' (i.e. to determine if whether on ES is required) from the Planning Service before submitting an application. Screening opinions will be placed on the 'Public Register'.
If required, the developer has to compile an ES describing the likely significant effects of the development on the environment and proposed mitigation measures. The ES must be circulated to statutory consultation bodies and made available to the public for comment.
It enables environmental factors to be given due weight, along with economic or social factors. It helps to promote a sustainable pattern of physical development and land and property use.
From the developer's point of view, the preparation of an environmental statement in parallel with project design provides a useful framework within which environmental considerations and design development can interact.
Environmental analysis may indicate ways in which the project can be modified to avoid possible adverse effects, for example through considering more environmentally friendly alternatives.
The national guidance includes a checklist of matters to be considered for inclusion in an ES, but it is also essential to agree the scope of the ES with the Planning case officer.
Taking these steps is likely to make the formal planning approval stages run more smoothly.
Microclimate Assessment
In circumstances where there is a potentially significant impact upon the current levels of sunlight, daylight or wind enjoyed by adjoining properties or building(s), including associated gardens or amenity space then applications may also need an appropriate Microclimate Assessment. Read our Wind Assessment Guide to see if you need to carry out a wind assessment.
Applicants should note that planning permission does not confer any immunity on those whose works infringe another’s property rights, and which might be subject to action under the Rights of Light Act 1959.
Lighting Assessment
Glare from external lighting associated with development may be held to affect residential amenity to an unacceptable degree and/or to adversely impact on the character of a Conservation Area, Listed Building or the open countryside.
Depending on location, applications that include proposals for lighting sports pitches, car parks and large scale buildings can raise issues relating to glare and light pollution. Such applications need to be supported by detailed information that should include:
- an Isolux diagram (to an appropriate scale) indicating proposed light intensity levels at locations on and around the development
- location and height of lighting columns/pylons
- a clear statement indicating proposed hours of operation and details of any management arrangements / automatic switching equipment