A SuDS Design Statement is required for all Major Applications with surface water drainage.
In summary, the Government define Majors as from 10 houses or 1,000 sq m upwards. The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) is a statutory consultee for these applications.
Information required
This will vary according to the nature of development with larger sites having more potential options for drainage. Pre application enquiries are recommended.
To assist applicants, Sheffield has produced 3 documents which are available to download below, which cover the following guidelines:
- the approach to and options for SuDS for 3 broad major development types
- an outline of the expected content for a SuDS Design Statement for a typical housing development
- a SuDS Design Statement checklist
- minimum recommended design standards for sustainable drainage across South Yorkshire
Sustainable drainage systems are designed to control surface water run off close to where it falls and mimic natural drainage as closely as possible. They provide opportunities to:
- reduce the causes and impacts of flooding
- remove pollutants from urban run-off at source
- combine water management with green space with benefits for amenity recreation and wildlife.
The Government’s expectation is that sustainable drainage systems will be provided in new developments wherever this is appropriate. Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government 18 Dec 2014.