The background to conserving and enhancing the historic environment through the planning process is set out in Chapter 16 (Paragraphs 189-208) of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
As part of this policy we can ask for a Heritage Statement to be submitted to support an application. The Heritage Statement is required to allow planning decisions to take into account the significance of any heritage asset affected.
It will also need to examine how the setting of a heritage asset contributes to that significance.
When required
A Heritage Statement is required for the following types of application:
- a heritage statement will be required for all listed building consents
- a heritage statement will be required for all planning applications involving demolition in a conservation area
Planning Applications that are likely to affect the following:
- listed buildings
- conservation areas
- registered parks and gardens
- scheduled monuments
- non-designated heritage assets including non-designated archaeological sites and historic buildings
Information required
The extent and amount of information contained in the Heritage Statement will depend on the likely impact of the proposal. The information presented must be proportionate to the importance of the heritage assets affected.
As a minimum, the Heritage Statement must include the following:
- a description of the character and significance of any heritage assets likely to be affected by the proposal
- a description of the application proposal and an explanation of how it has been designed to respond to its heritage context
- an assessment of the likely impact of the proposal on the character and significance of the affected heritage assets
Historic Buildings
The Heritage Statement may need to be supported by the following:
- accurate drawings showing both the existing building and proposed works (measured survey plans, sections and elevations, drawn at 1:50 scale)
- detailed drawings (at scale 1:5, 1:10 or full size where appropriate) of proposed features such as windows, doors, ironwork, plasterwork or joinery
- photographs of all exteriors and interiors to be affected by the proposed works (close ups of features such as doors, windows, fire places etc. that are to be altered or removed)
- a plan showing the position and direction from where each photo was taken
- applications for extensive restoration, alteration or refurbishment should include a detailed schedule of works and specification of the methods and materials to be used
- any proposed demolition, alteration or removal of joinery, plasterwork, walls, doors and windows should be shown clearly