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Design and access statements
Design and access statements are required when:
- major development (from 10 houses or 1,000 sq m floor space)
- in a conservation area (from 1 house or 100 sq m)
- any listed building application
This is a national requirement set out in to Article 9 of The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.
Information required
Unfortunately, many of the Statements submitted in Sheffield provide a quite inadequate assessment of the site and its context, or explanation of how and why design decisions have been made. To help applicants get this right, we have produced more detailed guidance and provide examples of good practice below.
A Design and Access Statement must explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to the development. It must also demonstrate how the proposed development’s context has influenced the design. The Statement must explain the applicant’s approach to access and how relevant Local Plan policies have been taken into account, any consultation undertaken in relation to access issues, and how the outcome of this consultation has informed the proposed development.
Applicants must also explain how any specific issues which might affect access to the proposed development have been addressed.