Policy CS40 of the Core Strategy sets out the broad principles and aims in relation to securing affordable housing through residential development.
We adopted the Core Strategy document of the Sheffield Plan on 4 March 2009.
Developer contributions
Guideline GAH2 of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the expected developer contributions for the city’s 12 Affordable Housing Market Areas.
The expected developer contribution towards affordable housing provision varies between 0% and 30%, depending on which Affordable Housing Market Area the site is in.
Creating an Affordable Housing Statement
Applicants will be required to submit an Affordable Housing Statement. It will need to set out how the affordable housing requirements, set out in Core Strategy Policy CS40 and the CIL and Planning Obligations SPD (2015), will be met.
The absence of a required Affordable Housing Statement will render a planning application invalid. A template for an Affordable Housing Statement is available to download.
We also have a map showing the city’s 12 Affordable Housing Market Areas.
We require First Homes to be provided as part of an Affordable Housing contribution.
A Written Ministerial Statement and update to the Planning Practice Guidance were issued on 24 May 2021 (see Supporting information section).
The First Homes requirement came into effect on 28 June 2021. From this date, a home meeting the criteria for First Homes will also be considered to meet the definition of ‘affordable housing’ for planning purposes.
First Homes
First Homes are the government’s preferred discounted market tenure. They should account for at least 25% of all affordable housing units delivered by developers through planning obligations.
We will seek a financial contribution from the developer to administer the First Homes scheme, secured in the S106 agreement.
Applicants are strongly advised to contact our Housing Strategy and Policy team before submitting an application.
They'll advise on:
- housing demand
- need
- affordable housing
They can also provide advice on the size, type and tenure of the affordable housing that is needed in the area, and advice on which local housing association partners would be suitable.
Reducing the contribution
The expected developer contribution towards affordable housing provision may be reduced if it would make the development economically unviable.
Where the developer considers that they cannot meet the full affordable housing contribution, agreement will need to be reached on a viable level of provision.
In these circumstances, the applicant will be asked to provide a full financial appraisal. This should includes a full breakdown of development costs. This will be appraised by an independent provider approved by us, at the applicant's expense.
Independent appraisals will normally be undertaken by CP Viability Ltd, unless a conflict of interest is identified, or this provider does not have sufficient capacity to undertake the assessment. In either of these circumstances, the appraisal will be undertaken by Andrew Golland Associates.
If the applicant is unable to make the full contribution towards affordable housing, the following process will apply.