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Nether Edge Conservation Area
Nether Edge Conservation Area is situated approximately 2-3 miles south west of the City Centre on elevated land between the Porter Brook and Sheaf Valley.
It is strongly defined by Psalter Lane and Brincliffe Edge to the north and west. The character of the area is largely a leafy suburb with fine Victorian and Edwardian buildings.
Although 'Nether Edge' is used to describe the area from Psalter Lane and southwards, the area is actually made up of a number of smaller neighbourhoods including Brincliffe to the north west; Kenwood to the centre and south west; and Sharrow to the north east.
Although these distinctive neighbourhoods exist, special elements exist across all parts which justify the designation of the Conservation Area as a whole. These include:
- large suburb featuring fine Victorian and Edwardian buildings often following original enclosure patterns
- tree lined streets contributing to Sheffield's image as one of the greenest cities
- a mix of different building styles ranging from Victorian and Edwardian villas, medium sized terraced housing, semi-detached Edwardian properties and both inter war and post war housing
- the former workhouse/hospital building dating back to the early 1840s, now flats
- distinctive 'village centre' comprising Nether Edge's only shopping facility
- different density of plots from the much denser Psalter Lane and Clifford Road to less dense, and landscaped garden areas of Brincliffe for example
- a large number of traditional features including sliding sash windows, decorative barge boards and natural slate roofs
- a number of listed buildings
- historic floors and boundary walls
- changing topography offering often dramatic views of the area
Date of designation and Appraisal
Nether Edge Conservation Area was designated in September 2002 following public consultation.
Article 4 Direction
In 2005, an Article 4 Direction was brought in to Nether Edge to help control any changes which may harm the special character of the Conservation Area.
This means that many alterations to properties within the area now require planning permission.