The winners for the 2023 Bolton Cup Allotment Competition have been announced.
Bolton Cup for the overall winner
Gabby Reade, 93 Meersbrook
Full size plots
- Gabby Reade, 93 Meersbrook £50, Saf Walter Farr Memorial Cup
- Dave Elliott, 43 Sharrard oad £40
- Lianne Mellor 176 Meersbrook £30
- Robert Lord, 39 Rustlings Road £20
- 148 Morley Street £10 and Helen Gilbert, 25 Meersbrook £10
Runners up:
- 60 and 61 Highcliffe, Judy Tocher
- 3 Norton Lees, Garry Copeman and Ash Watts
- 92 Morley Street Brian Legge
Small plots
- Sharon Ashton, 16 Burncross, £50, Angela Waite Memorial Cup
- Roger Jezusek 3 Burncross, £40 and James Brown, 49b Meersbrook £40
- Hannah McCready, 18 Holberry Gardens £30
- Helen Barson, 26 Burncross £20
- Rebecca Roberts, 50b Rodney Hill £10
Runner up
- Marcelle Campher, 138b Meersbrook (certificates)
- Nigel Foulkes, 283a Meersbrook, £50, John Harrop Memorial
- Mrs Julie A Hodgson, 13b Francis Fields, £40
- Magdalena Juszczyszyn, 53 Beauchief £30
- Marie Gomersall, 49 Victoria Road £20
- Yolanda Thompson, 72 Woodseats £10
Runners up (certificates):
- Lucie Fialova, 300a Meersbrook
- Christopher Box, 36 Corker Bottoms
- Dalton Kershaw and Charlotte Smith, 27 Finchwell
- Magdalena Watras, 319 Meersbrook
- Simon Naylor and Jo Davies, 263 Meersbrook
Most environmentally friendly plot
- Chris McMahon, 34 Hagg Lane, £50, Sheffield Federation Cup
- Susan Smith, 12 Crookes Marsh Lane £40
- Kate Buckley, 13 Harris Road £30
Runner up:
- Sharon and Bob Callard, 6 and 7 Warminster
Best allotment society/community group plot
- 246 Meersbrook, Meersbrook allotment society, £50, Bryars Cup
Best Scarecrow
- Katie Buckley, 12 Harris Road £30
- Garry Watts, 3 Norton Lees £20
- Brian Legge, 92 Morley Street £10
Pete Sides Trophy for innovation
246 Meersbook, Meersbrook allotment society, for the floating benches
Allotment Office Cup
Awarded as the judges’ discretionary award where extra recognition is needed
Awarded to 148 Morley Street, for incredible transformation of the plot
Individual awards, for best small plot/large plot entrants
Gold awards
- Gabby Reade, 93 Meersbrook
- David Elliott and Trevor Thorpe, 43 Sharrard Road
- Lianne Mellor and Jamie Mills, 176 Meersbrook
- Robert Lord, 39 Rustlings Road
Silver Gilt Awards
- Sharon Ashton and Antony Wills, 16 Burncross
- 148 Morley Street
- Helen Gilbert, 25 Meersbrook
- Roger Jezusek, 3 Burncross
- James Brown, 49b Meersbrook
- Judie Tocher, 60 and 61 Highcliffe
- Brian Legge, 92 Morley Street
- Garry Copeman and Ash Watts, 3 Norton Lees
- Hannah McCready, 18 Holberry Gardens
Silver awards
- Helen Barson, 26 Burncross
- Michael Ward, 44 Hanging Water
- Pauline and Peter Lord, 3 Meersbrook
Bronze awards
- Rebecca Roberts, 50b Rodney Hill
- Marcelle Campher, 138b Meersbrook
- Jamie Watson and Jessica, 55 Soap House Lane