A free ticket can be obtained to park in the pay and display bays in the permit zones. Pay and display parking in most of the permit zones is £1 per hour.
Kelham Island and Neepsend is £1.20 per hour on Mondays to Saturdays, and £2 on Sundays and in the evenings (no matter how long you stay).
Many bays have time limits for non-permit holders.
Where there is availability to pay for up to ten hours' parking, this would cost £4.70.
There are exceptions:
- in the Kelham Island and Neepsend zone, it would cost £6.50
- in the Highfield zone, over three hours would cost £3.60
You can use our map to search for whether your home is in a permit zone and find out at what times the permits apply.
List of zones with additional information
City Centre
Permit restrictions apply 7 days a week between 8am and 8:30pm.
- Inner Zone permits are valid in on-street Pay and Display bays within both the inner and outer zones
- Outer Zone permits are only valid in outer zone on-street Pay and Display bays
Permits are not valid in car parks.
Beaufort Road and Severn zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Permits can be used to park on Beaufort Road and Severn Road as well as the main Broomhill scheme.
They cannot be used to park on Chandos Street or College Street.
Botanical zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 8:30pm.
Permits are also valid for parking in the Sharrow Vale centre, Endcliffe and Stalker Lees zones.
Although valid in the adjoining Sharrow Vale centre zone, Botanical business permits are not valid for use in any of the permit bays on:
- Hickmott Road
- Rosedale Gardens
- Sharrow Vale Road (between Junction Road and Lynton Road)
Broomhall and The Groves zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Vehicles displaying a valid resident, business or visitor permit may park in the bays within Broomspring Lane car park free of charge and without time limit.
Permits are not valid in other car parks within this zone.
Broomhill zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They cannot be used to park on:
- Beaufort Road
- Chandos Street
- College Street
- Severn Road
Business permits are not valid for use in the shared use permit bays on the following lengths of road:
- Fulwood Road
- Glossop Road
- Westbourne Road (from Glossop Road to Southbourne Road)
- Ashdell Road (from Glossop Road to Ashdell)
- Peel Street
- Newbould Lane (Whitham Road to Nile Street)
- 2 hour maximum stay bays on Beech Hill Road
- Watson Road
- Ashgate Road
- Whitham Road
- Spooner Road (from Crookes Road to car park ramp)
Chandos Street zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Permits can be used to park on Chandos Street as well as the main Broomhill scheme.
They cannot be used to park on Beaufort Road, Severn Road or College Street.
College Street zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Permits can be used to park on College Street as well as the main Broomhill scheme.
They cannot be used to park on:
- Beaufort Road
- Severn Road
- Chandos Street
Crookesmoor zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6.:0pm.
Drake House zone
Restriction times vary: some are Monday to Friday 8am to 6:30pm, others are at all times (check signs).
Edward Street Flats Car Park
Permit restrictions apply at all times.
Blue Badge holders parking in disabled bays must also have a valid permit.
Edward Street Flats Car Park permits may also be used in the St George's zone permit bays.
Endcliffe zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Permits are also valid for parking in the Sharrow Vale centre and Botanical zones.
Although valid in the adjoining Sharrow Vale centre zone, Endcliffe business permits are not valid for use in any of the permit bays on:
- Hickmott Road
- Rosedale Gardens
- Sharrow Vale Road (between Junction Road and Lynton Road)
Falding zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Fawcett Street zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Grange zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They are also valid for parking in the Lansdowne, Porterbrook and Napier zones.
Hawley Street Flats Car Park
Permit restrictions apply at all times. The number of permits to be issued is limited to 24.
Blue Badge holders parking in disabled bays must also have a valid permit.
Hawley Street permits cannot be used on street bays outside the car park. Likewise, other permits cannot be used in the car park.
Highfield zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They are not valid in bays on Belgrave Square. However, Highfield Belgrave Square permits can also be used in the main Highfield zone.
Business permits are not valid for use in the permit bays on:
- Bennett Street
- Randall Place
- Harwood Close
- Thorp Close
Hillsborough zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
The exception to this is on:
- Rudyard Road
- Treswell Crescent
- Kipling Road
- Rider Road
Where the hours are instead Monday to Saturday between 8am and 10pm.
Permits cannot be used to park on bays in the adjacent Holme Lane zone.
Holme Lane zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Holme Lane permits cannot be used to park on bays in the adjacent Hillsborough zone.
Kelham Island and Neepsend Parking Scheme
In Kelham Island, permit restrictions apply Monday to Sunday between 8am and 8:30pm.
In Neepsend, permit restrictions apply Monday to Sunday between 9am and 3pm.
On Boyland Street, Bardwell Road and Neepsend Lane (between Rutland Road and Bardwell Road), permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm.
Parking permits
You can use our interactive map to see if you live in a car-free development in Kelham Island and Neepsend. If your address is listed as car-free, you won’t qualify for a parking permit. You should also verify this with your landlord, agent or solicitor.
Lansdowne Flats Car Park zone
Permit restrictions apply at all times.
Blue Badge holders parking in disabled bays must also have a valid permit.
Lansdowne Flats Car Park permits may also be used in the on street Lansdowne zone permit bays.
Lansdowne zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They are also valid for parking in the Napier and Grange zones.
They are not valid in the Lansdowne Flats Car Parks.
Loxley New Road
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
Meadow Street zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They cannot be used in the residential parking areas off Dover Street, Ellison Street or Netherthorpe Place.
Napier zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They are also valid for parking in the Stalker Lees, Lansdowne and Grange zones.
Netherthorpe zone
Permit restrictions apply 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Porterbrook zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They are also valid for parking in the Sharrow Vale centre and Grange zone.
Although valid in the adjoining Sharrow Vale centre zone, Porterbrook business permits are not valid for use in any of the permit bays on:
- Hickmott Road
- Rosedale Gardens
- Sharrow Vale Road (between Junction Road and Lynton Road)
Sharrow Vale centre zone
Permit restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 8:30pm. Some other parking restrictions are 8am to 6.30pm.
They are also valid for parking in the Botanical, Porterbrook and Stalker Lees zones.
Business permits are not valid for use in any of the permit bays on:
- Hickmott Road
- Rosedale Gardens
- Sharrow Vale Road (between Junction Road and Lynton Road)
St George's zone
Permit restrictions apply 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Stalker Lees zone
Permits restrictions apply Monday to Saturday between 8am and 6:30pm.
They are also valid for parking in the Napier and Botanical zones.
Vaughton Hill zone
Permits restrictions apply 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Car free zones
If your property is a new development it might be 'car free', which would mean you don't qualify for a parking permit.
You must verify with your landlord, agent or solicitor if the property is car free.