Christmas opening times 2024: We are closed to all but essential services over the Christmas period. You can still use our online services to report, apply and pay 24/7.
Library and archives conservation and digitisation
If you require any items treating to prevent deterioration and preserve them for future generations, we provide a full range of professional services for both individuals and organisations.
Consultation and advice
If you request a consultation, we can recommend what needs to be done in order to preserve the items and will provide you with a bespoke written report and a no-obligation price to carry out any necessary works.
Any work is undertaken by our accredited conservator to the recognised professional BS 4971: 2002 standard, using the most appropriate materials and chemicals.
Digitisation Service
We offer a full digitisation service up to A1+ size (609 x 914 mm / 24 x 36 inches).
We use professional digitisation equipment, which results in high quality scans and images with no damage to original items. We can scan large maps, photographs, posters, deeds and documents as well as bound books and volumes.
Prices start from a £25 set-up fee per item and then £1 per shot thereafter.
Images can be supplied as TIFFs or JPEGs (or both).
All original documents are stored in our secure strongrooms overnight.
We scan to archival standards.
Our digitisation service is available to individuals and organisations. If you have any documents, maps or photographs that you are considering digitising, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Talks and training sessions
If your local history or socials group is interested we can provide talks on the following topics, for example:
- How to Look After Your Family Papers
- Caring for Old Photographs
We can also provide training sessions to individuals, staff or volunteers on the best practice, handling and packaging for your archived items.