Oral history collection

A collection of 389 Compact Discs recorded in early 1980s.

People from Sheffield were interviewed and recorded talking about their lives, including their childhood, work, family life and wartime experiences in a fascinating collection of memories and anecdotes of Sheffield and times gone by.

Copies of the CDs are available for use at the Local Studies Library, Central Library.

Contact us on archives@sheffield.gov.uk to find out more, book in advance or order archival materials.

The collection

Burngreave Voices

A collection of 35 Compact Discs recorded and deposited by Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust in 2007.

Copies of the CDs are available for use at the Local Studies Library.

Millennium Galleries Metalwork Project

A collection of 26 Compact Discs recorded and deposited by Sheffield Galleries and Museums Trust in 2005.

Copies of the CDs are available for use at the Local Studies Library.

South Yorkshire Women's Development Trust (SYWDT)

Oral histories relating to the South Yorkshire Women's Development Trust (SYWDT) oral history project 'South Yorkshire Women in Industry: A study of the last 100 years ', interviews conducted in 2008 and 2009.

Copies of the CDs are available for use at Sheffield City Archives.

Manor Estate Oral History Project

Set of 17 oral history audio-tapes of interviews conducted by Tony Tingle, Community Development Worker on the Manor Estate, Sheffield (including interviews with Betty Holden, former trades union convenor at Footprint tool factory and  Dr Frank Girling, anthropologist and veteran of the Spanish Civil War and former Sheffield University lecturer), Oct 1981 – Nov 1992.

Audio cassettes are available for use at Sheffield City Archives.

'Manor Memories' Oral History Project

Audio cassette tape recordings of conversations with residents of the Manor area of Sheffield attending weekly (term-time) "Manor Memories" sessions. Recorded 1989-1997. Subjects covered include school days, work, wartime, shops, the Manor estate, calendar customs and beliefs.

Audio cassettes are available for use at Sheffield City Archives.

Trading Histories (Castle Market) Project

Oral history audio recordings compiled by a Heritage Lottery-funded project to document the history of Sheffield's Castle Market on Waingate, prior to its closure and relocation to a new site on The Moor.

Copies of the CDs are available for use at Sheffield City Archives.

'Stories of Activism in Sheffield'

A collaboration between local activists and campaigners and academics from the Department of History, University of Sheffield.  Over the course of several years, the project interviewed Sheffield activists and collected and archived campaign paraphernalia.

Copies of the CDs are available for use at Sheffield City Archives.

Bill Moore (1911 - 2008), Political Activist

Oral history audio cassette recordings (with some transcripts) of veterans of the Sheffield Labour Movement.  CD copies of original audio cassettes 'AEU 1-128' available on discs 2009/118/1-121 at Sheffield City Archives.

Contact the Archives and Local Studies Library

0114 203 9395 (Sat, Mon, Tues)
0114 273 4753 (Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat)
First Floor, Central Library
Surrey Street
S1 1XZ

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