Bus lanes, gates and tram gates

To keep Sheffield moving, lanes and gates allow buses and trams to travel more freely.

They operate at different times and days of the week depending on their location. At these times, you should not enter (even partially) a bus lane or bus gate or park. Exceptions are on this page. 

Check the signs. Times do not vary for bank/public holidays.

You may have to pay a fine if you use one incorrectly. Fines are issued by the Police or us, often using cameras to record when someone goes through when they shouldn't.


There are exceptions in bus lanes and bus and tram gates:

Bus lane

A lane (marked out by thick white lines) usually down the side of the road for mainly buses to use.

Bus and tram gate

Part of a road letting mainly buses and trams through, such as at a junction. Some gates are for buses and not trams.

Map of bus lanes and bus/ tram gates

Bus lanes and bus and tram gates map

The map shows approximate locations of bus lanes and bus/tram gates. We do not accept responsibility for any changes that may be pending updates on the map. All such restrictions are signed on street and drivers should observe the signs.

Other vehicles using gates and lanes

Other vehicles can use the gates and lanes, This includes taxis, cycles and 'authorised' vehicles such as emergency services. 

No vehicles other than trams can use any of the 'tram only' facilities.

The following vehicles can use the listed lanes and gates below:

  • buses - no exceptions
  • taxis - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates except Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks bus station, on runways B, C and D within Sheffield Transport Interchange (STI), on STI runway E (unless holding a PTE pass), Surrey Street Bus Gate
  • pedal cycles - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates except on the runways within Sheffield Transport Interchange
  • solo motorcycles - bus lanes only
  • authorised vehicles - bus lanes, prescribed and prohibited turns, bus or bus/tram gates except on Peaks Mount at Waterthorpe, adjacent to Crystal Peaks Bus Station or on the runways within Sheffield Transport Interchange, Surrey Street Bus Gate 

Authorised vehicles

Authorised vehicles is as defined in the Sheffield City Council Bus Priority Order as:

  • Private Hire Vehicles with suitable side markings, as approved by Sheffield City Council, operating under a licence issued by a Local Authority
  • vehicles with suitable side markings, as approved by Sheffield City Council, carrying persons on behalf of the National Health Service for medical reasons
  • vehicles with suitable side markings, as approved by Sheffield City Council, being operated on behalf of a Local Authority for educational or care reasons

If your Private Hire Vehicle or Hackney Carriage licence has been issued by an authority other than Sheffield City Council, please provide a copy of the vehicle licence when it is issued or renewed. We can update our information to record your vehicle on the exemption list. If this information is not submitted you may incur bus lane fines.


Buses include minibuses that are constructed or adapted to carry more than 8 passengers (exclusive of the driver), which have 10 seats or more in total.

It is not possible to verify how many seats minibuses have from bus lane cameras. 

If you plan to use a minibus in a Sheffield bus lane or gate, please provide the vehicle registration document showing the number of seats the vehicle has. We can check it qualifies and update our information to record your vehicle on the exemption list. If this information is not sent you may incur fines.

How to reach us

You can email a copy of your licence or your minibus vehicle registration document to PHV@sheffield.gov.uk or post it to:

Parking Services
PO Box 3830
S1 9AQ

Contact Parking Services

PO Box 3830
S1 9AQ

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