Housing and accommodation strategies

We publish a variety of different strategies that outline our approach towards the provision of suitable housing and related support.

Housing Strategy 2024 to 2034

Sheffield’s Housing Strategy 2024 to 2034 has been developed with our partners and in consultation with our residents and communities. It is a high-level Strategy that:

  • sets out the long-term vision for all housing types and tenures in the city
  • includes the key things to be prioritised by the Council and its partners to make the vision happen over the next 10 years
  • helps deliver the ambitions in the City Goals, Council Plan and complements our new Local Plan

The Evidence Base report, a summary of the evidence used to inform the Housing Strategy, is available. It includes data and information from a number of national and local sources about Sheffield’s population, housing and housing need.

The findings from the second phase consultation with the public and partners, which helped develop the Housing Strategy, are also available. The report includes a summary of all the consultation findings and a more detailed report from the consultants Cambell Tickell on the survey with the public.

Sheffield’s Housing Strategy on a Page provides a summary of the Strategy’s:

  • vision
  • ambitions
  • priorities 

Some of the Strategy documents may not be entirely accessible. If you have any issues with accessing them, please get in touch with us.

Delivering the Strategy

We’ll continue to work with our partners, residents and communities to make the most of our resources, skills and expertise to deliver our housing ambitions for the city. 

Many of the programmes and projects needed to deliver the Housing Strategy will be identified and managed by our partner organisations. 

Where we are best placed to lead on delivering the housing priorities, we will do this through:

  • existing and new junior housing strategies
  • delivery plans
  • key policies

Junior Housing Strategies and Plans that help deliver the Housing Strategy

This will include:

Homelessness Prevention Strategy 2023 to 2028

This strategy sets out our vision for tackling homelessness and rough sleeping in the city over the next 5 years.

Older Persons Independent Living Strategy 2017 to 2022

This sets our vision and approach to meeting the housing needs of our growing and ageing population. A new updated strategy is currently being developed. 

Tenancy Strategy

This sets out the kind of tenancies we offer and our expectations for the kind of tenancies that registered housing providers who operate within Sheffield will offer. A new updated Tenancy Strategy is currently being developed. 

We publish a variety of different strategies that outline our approach towards the provision of suitable housing and related support. 

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