The Public Rights of Way group looks after public footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic across the city, as well as large areas of access land. Our paths are a mixture of rural, woodland, open space, moorland, river corridors urban fringe and some urban and are mainly sign posted with their recorded status from the roadside.
Our responsibilities include:
- maintaining paths, signs, stiles, gates, bridges, overgrowth, surfaces
- protecting your rights to use Public Rights of Way
- definitive map and Statement
- closing and diverting paths temporarily or permanently
- claimed paths are well used paths not recorded as public
- adopt a path – volunteers help look after paths
- open access (Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000)
- statutory registers relating to the definitive map
- Local Access Forum advises us on countryside access matters
Contact South Yorkshire Police about motorcyclists using Public Rights of Way unlawfully.
Public rights of way are recorded on the Definitive Map and Statement (DMS). These form the legal record of public paths and their status as either a public footpath, public bridleway, restricted bridleway or byway open to all traffic.
You can apply to amend the DMS if you believe it to be wrong and have evidence to show that it should be changed to add a new public right of way, or to upgrade, downgrade or delete existing routes. You can also make an application to alter the Definitive Statement if you believe it to be wrong.
Such an application is known as a Schedule 14 application for a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO). To apply to amend or change the DMS, download the application form, guide and user evidence form (if appropriate) and submit them.
You can also see our list of Schedule 14 applications.
If you wish to enquire about closing or diverting a correctly recorded public right of way then please refer to the section above (Closing and diverting public paths).
Local Access Forum minutes
You can view details of permanent Traffic Regulation Orders affecting Byways Open to All Traffic.