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Neighbourhood planning
The Government’s Localism Act offers rights and powers for communities. This includes Neighbourhood Planning where a community can come together and produce a plan to shape how their local area should develop and grow. For example, your local community have the opportunity to:
- say where you think new houses, businesses and shops should be built
- have a say on what buildings should look like
- grant planning permission for new developments that you want to see go ahead with the specific creation of Neighbourhood Development Orders
Five neighbourhood areas have been designated in Sheffield at Stocksbridge, Dore, BBEST (Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield and Tapton), Kelham Island and Neepsend, and Ecclesfield.
To be involved in the content and consultation, please contact the individual groups. The map illustrates designated and proposed (none currently proposed) neighbourhood areas in Sheffield.
Neighbourhood Planning cannot be used to block the building of homes and businesses considered to be necessary to meet the city’s current and future needs. However, you can use it to influence the type, design, location and mix of new development. Neighbourhood Planning can involve producing any of the following:
- Neighbourhood Development Plan - a plan will establish the vision and planning policies for the use and development of land in your neighbourhood. Once adopted it would be used alongside the National Planning Policy Framework and the Sheffield Plan when deciding planning applications
- Neighbourhood Development Order - allows the community to grant planning permission for certain types of new developments within a neighbourhood area
- Community Right to Build Order - gives communities the power to develop local, often small scale, developments where they want them
These are all subject to an independent examination and a local referendum before they can be adopted.
Neighbourhood Planning is led by the local community. A Neighbourhood Development Plan and/or Neighbourhood Development Order can be prepared by:
- Stocksbridge Town Council
- Ecclesfield Parish Council
- Bradfield Parish Council
Where there is no Parish or Town Council, a Neighbourhood Forum can lead on coordinating neighbourhood planning in your area. This could be an existing community organisation or a new group, but to be established it would need to meet certain criteria, and the Neighbourhood Forum and neighbourhood area boundary will need to be approved by us to ensure they meet government regulations.
A Community Right to Build Order is a special type of Neighbourhood Development Order and can be created by any local community organisation provided they meet certain criteria. If you are thinking of neighbourhood planning for your community please contact us before submitting any application.
Neighbourhood Planning and the Community Infrastructure Levy
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allows local authorities to set charges which developers must pay when bringing forward new development in order to contribute to new or enhanced services and infrastructure. Some of the money gained via the CIL will be passed onto local communities. This is known as ‘local CIL’ or the ‘neighbourhood portion’. You can read more about this in our briefing note.
Current Applications for Designation
There are no current applications.
Current Neighbourhood Plan Submissions
There are no current plan submissions.
Kelham Island and Neepsend Neighbourhood Plan
Kelham Island and Neepsend has been designated a Neighbourhood forum for 5 years from 28 February 2019.
A copy of the Kelham Island and Neepsend Forum constitution and a map of the designated neighbourhood area are available to download.
If you want further information about the Kelham Island and Neepsend Neighbourhood Plan please visit the Kelham Island and Neepsend Community Alliance website, contact them at or write to:
Kelham Island & Neepsend Neighbourhood Forum
c/o Daniel Gordon
3 Brooklyn Works
S3 8SH
Broomhill, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield and Tapton Neighbourhood Plan
A copy of the BBEST Neighbourhood Forum constitution, and a designated map of the area proposed by the BBEST, is available below.
A referendum relating to the BBEST Neighbourhood Plan was held on Thursday 6 May 2021.
The question that was asked was:
“Do you want Sheffield City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Broomhiil, Broomfield, Endcliffe, Summerfield, and Tapton (BBEST) to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood Area?"
The result was as follows:
- Yes vote 2,543
- No vote 224
The BBEST Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by the City Council on 16 June 2021.
Documents relating to the neighbourhood plan:
If you have difficulty using or accessing these documents, require a paper copy of any document for inspection or need an alternative format please contact us, our details are in the box above.
You can also view them during normal opening hours at Broomhill Library, 10 Taptonville Road, Sheffield S10 5BR. Please note the documents will be made available at First Point, Howden House, Union Street, Sheffield S1 2SH when the council offices re-open to the public.
The planning status of the BBEST Neighbourhood Plan
The BBEST Neighbourhood Plan contains both land use policies and non-statutory projects and forum aspirations for their neighbourhood plan area. The neighbourhood plan has made a clear distinction between land use planning policies and non-statutory proposals and projects.
As Neighbourhood Plans sit alongside the Council’s Local Plan when they are adopted, planning application decisions will be made in accordance with the planning policy within this Neighbourhood Plan as well as the Sheffield Local Plan.
Community aspirations and projects are a non-statutory part of this neighbourhood plan. They are the responsibility of the neighbourhood forum. Whilst we will help forums to identify and develop ways to implement their projects and aspirations, approval of the neighbourhood plan does not infer any responsibility for the delivery or funding of this element of the neighbourhood plan document or its companion documents. They have not been subject to independent Examination and do not form part of the Referendum.
The BBEST Design guide and the BBEST Forum Aspirations document are not a formal part of the BBEST Neighbourhood plan have not been subject to the independent Examination of the Plan and therefore do not form part of the Referendum. They are available on the BBEST website.
If you want further information about the BBEST Neighbourhood Plan please visit the BBEST website, email them at, or write to:
BBEST Neighbourhood Forum
c/o Anne Daw
129 Harcourt Road
S10 1DJ
Dore Neighbourhood Plan
Dore Village Society has been designated as the Dore Neighbourhood Forum for a further 5 years from 16 October 2019.
The neighbourhood area is partly in the Sheffield Planning Authority and partly in the Peak District National Park Authority.
A map of the area is available to download from this page, along with a copy of the Dore Neighbourhood Forum constitution.
Dore Neighbourhood Plan referendum
A referendum relating to the Dore Neighbourhood Plan was held on 12 August 2021.
The question asked was:
“Do you want Sheffield City Council and the Peak District National Park Authority to use the neighbourhood plan for Dore to help them decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
The result was as follows:
- Yes vote: 1,986
- No vote: 106
- spoilt vote: 1
- total votes: 2,093
The Dore Neighbourhood Plan was adopted by the City Council on 6 October 2021.
Documents relating to the neighbourhood plan:
If you have difficulty using or accessing these documents, require a paper copy of any document for inspection, or need an alternative format please contact us, our details are in the box above.
You can also view them during normal opening hours at Totley Library, 205 Baslow Road, Totley, Sheffield S17 4DT. Please note the documents will be made available at First Point, Howden House, Union Street, Sheffield S1 2SH when the council offices re-open to the public.
Please note as this Neighbourhood Plan includes an area within the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA) they have also formally adopted the Plan on 10 September 2021.
The planning status of the Dore Neighbourhood Plan referendum version
The Dore Neighbourhood Plan contains both land use policies and non-statutory projects and forum aspirations for their neighbourhood plan area. The neighbourhood plan has made a clear distinction between land use planning policies and non-statutory proposals and projects.
As Neighbourhood Plans sit alongside the Council’s Local Plan when they are adopted, planning application decisions will be made in accordance with the planning policy within this Neighbourhood Plan as well as the Sheffield Local Plan. Until the referendum on the Dore Neighbourhood plan has taken place the policies within the plan have significant weight in the planning process.
Community aspirations and projects are a non-statutory part of this neighbourhood plan. They are the responsibility of the neighbourhood forum. Whilst we will help forums to identify and develop ways to implement their projects and aspirations, approval of the neighbourhood plan does not infer any responsibility for the delivery or funding of this element of the neighbourhood plan document or its companion documents. They have not been subject to independent Examination and do not form part of the Referendum.
The Housing Areas Character Appraisal document is not a formal part of the Dore Neighbourhood plan and has not been subject to the independent Examination of the Plan and therefore does not form part of the Referendum. It is available on the Dore website.
If you want further information about the Dore Neighbourhood Plan please visit the Dore Village Society website, or contact David Crosby of the Dore Village Society.
Email David at, telephone 0114 453 9615, or write to:
Dore Neighbourhood Forum
c/o David Crosby
41 Rushley Drive
S17 3EL
Stocksbridge Neighbourhood Plan
The Stocksbridge Neighbourhood Area was designated on 24 February 2014.
Stocksbridge Town Council has advised that a Neighbourhood Plan is not being progressed at this time.
Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan
On 15 May 2024 Ecclesfield Parish Council commenced consultation on the Draft Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan. This consultation will last for 8 weeks and end on Friday the 12 July 2024.
In addition to Sheffield’s local plan and national planning policies, the Draft Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan contains planning policies that will be used by Sheffield City Council to inform decisions on planning applications within the Parish.
The Draft Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan includes the Ecclesfield Design Codes. These Codes establish and seek to maintain the character of the parish, whilst ensuring sustainable development can come forward.
Consultation on the draft neighbourhood plan follows the designation of the Neighbourhood Plan area in 2020.
How to view and comment on the Plan
The Draft Neighbourhood Plan and Design Codes can be found on the Ecclesfield Parish Council website.
This is an Ecclesfield Parish Council consultation, and any comments must be provided to them using the methods outlined on their website.
Next steps
Following consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan, the Parish Council will prepare the final Neighbourhood Plan for submission to Sheffield City Council. Once submitted, Sheffield City Council will undertake a final stage of consultation, followed by assessment by an independent examiner. If found to meet the ‘basic conditions’, the plan will precede to a public referendum on whether it should inform planning decisions within the parish.
Get in touch
If you want further information about the Ecclesfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan, please visit the Ecclesfield Parish Council website or contact the parish clerk by email, telephone 0114 2845095 or
by post to:
Ecclesfield Parish Council
Council Offices
Mortomley Lane
S35 3HS