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Report disrepair in private rented properties
We work to ensure that private residential properties in Sheffield are safe and free from hazards.
We investigate issues in:
- privately rented properties
- licensable and non-licensable HMOs
- privately rented student accommodation
- registered provider properties
We can give advice and can take action where landlords fail to attend on serious hazards such as:
- falls on stairs
- fire
- excess cold
- entry by intruders
- falls on level surfaces
- damp and mould
How to report your problems to us
We usually need you to have written to your landlord first to tell them about the problems before we can look at your case. This can be in a letter or email and can give you protection against eviction for up to 6 months. If you have only raised the concerns verbally or in a text this may not be enough.
It is important that the landlord has had reasonable time to respond. In most cases between 7 to 10 working days would be enough time to allow a landlord to respond.
You should be aware of your tenancy rights before making a complaint. We can discuss any concerns that you may have.
If you are reporting concerns on behalf of a tenant/homeowner, or if you believe your case is urgent, eg concerns around electrics or no heating in very cold weather, then please call us on 0114 273 4680.
What happens next
We may choose to discuss the issues verbally with your landlord with the aim of them investigating and remedying the concerns.
Where appropriate we can also arrange a full property inspection under Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) guidelines to ensure the property is free from hazards. Where necessary we will take the appropriate enforcement action.
In some situations the concerns you raise may fall outside the remit of our enforcement role and as such we have limited or no powers to investigate further.
We have enforcement powers available to ensure that private rented properties are safe and free from hazards.
Where required, formal enforcement notices may be issued that legally require your landlord to carry out the required works. Failure to comply with such notice could lead to fines or prosecution.