Christmas opening times 2024: We are closed to all but essential services over the Christmas period. You can still use our online services to report, apply and pay 24/7.
Sensory impairment support
If you live in Sheffield and have been identified as having a sensory impairment you may have been referred to us. Referrals are made from a variety of sources dependent on your impairment and circumstances. You will receive a communication from us offering you a needs assessment to identify if you require any extra support.
Needs assessment
Assessments will be completed within 28 working days of receiving a referral. We aim to deliver any identified special equipment to you within 7 working days of the assessment.
If you do not fall within the eligibility criteria, advice will be provided on equipment that is most suitable to you and information on how to purchase it.
Special equipment
If you are hearing impaired you may require equipment such as flashing lights or vibrating pagers so you are aware of events such as callers at the door or smoke alarms being triggered. You may also need equipment to assist you in the use of telephones in an emergency. Our specialist social workers are trained in British Sign Language but are not BSL/English interpreters.
If you are visually impaired you may require specialist equipment to assist you to read any communications or access your computer. You may also require training on new techniques to help you move around safely and carry out a range a household tasks.
Social Groups
There are also social groups that you can join to meet similarly impaired people and learn new ways of doing familiar tasks.