Getting involved in your housing service

We value customer feedback and there are lots of ways to get involved and give us your views.

Our response to the Government's new social housing green paper

The Government published their social housing green paper “A new deal for social housing” on 14 August 2018. It aims to rebalance the relationship between residents and landlords, tackle stigma and ensure that social housing is both safe and decent. Landlords, residents and anyone with an interest from across the country were asked to give their views on the proposals within the paper.

We have provided our response to the Government, incorporating feedback that we received directly from residents in the city.

The charter for social housing residents

The Government published a white paper ‘The charter for social housing residents’ on 17 November 2020. It sets out the Government's plans to ensure that ‘residents in social housing are safe, are listened to, live in good quality homes, and have access to redress when things go wrong.’

Housing and Neighbourhoods Partnership Group

The group is a place for us to come together to make a difference.

It's a place:

  • for you to tell us what you think about our services and how we can make them better
  • for us to share exciting developments about what's happening on our estates and in our neighbourhoods 
  • to work together on ideas for how to get the most from the money we spend on services
  • how to make our communities even better places to live for everyone
  • celebrate and learn from one another’s successes

It is open to all tenants, leaseholders and TARA reps. The group meets once a month for a couple of hours and what it says matters to our staff, our teams and to Councillors. Its views are always considered when any decisions are made by our service which affects our customers or their communities.

To find out more or to book a place at the next one, contact us by phone on 0114 273 5566 or email

Leaseholder forum

The forum is made up of leaseholder representatives from across the city. It meets quarterly to discuss city-wide issues affecting leaseholders and to make recommendations about the services they receive from us.

It aims to:

  • improve communication between leaseholders and the Council
  • act as a consultation forum for all issues and services affecting leaseholders
  • give leaseholders the opportunity to become involved in the development of service improvements that affect them

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Forum and would like more information about forthcoming meetings, contact Leasehold Services by phone on 0114 293 0000 or email

Local Housing forums

Each of our seven Neighbourhood Teams has a Local Housing Forum, where tenants and residents living in the area can come together to discuss local issues which matter to them. Local Ward Councillors, local partner agencies and representatives from local voluntary or community organisations are also invited.

As well as considering housing-related issues and suggesting improvements and better ways of working, the forums also have a focus on their local neighbourhood and how they can help support their communities in being more sustainable.

Due to Covid-19 we are not able to answer phone calls at the moment, but you can leave us a message with your name and contact details and we will get back to you.

For more information you can contact the Housing and Neighbourhoods Service on 0114 273 5455 or email

Tenants and Residents Associations

There are over 40 Tenants and Residents Associations across Sheffield, representing local tenants, supporting their communities and organising local events.

Contact Community Engagement and Governance Team

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