Cladding tests

In July 2017, we worked with Sheffield University to carry out independent tests on cladding in 20 council tower blocks in Sheffield. The test confirmed that the cladding is made from solid aluminium and is safe.

We have written to all tenants in tower blocks to tell them the results of the tests and we have published the letter from Sheffield University about the test results on this page. 

If you would like a copy of the fire risk assessment or minutes of meetings about fire safety that have been held for your tower block please contact us.

The cladding on Hanover Tower block is not made of solid aluminium but 4mm Alucobond PE (Polyethylene). Samples of this material were sent to the Building Research Establishment (BRE) on 23 June 2017 and it failed a fire safety test. Work is already underway to remove the cladding on Hanover Tower.

Stannington Tower Blocks

Tests have not been carried out on the tower blocks in Stannington because they are clad in brick.

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