Being a good neighbour

This page offers guidance on what you can do to be a good neighbour.

We want everyone to live in a home they are proud of and in a community where they feel safe. We want neighbours to get on with each other. Being a good neighbour is about more than just keeping to your tenancy agreement.

We encourage you to speak to your neighbour about any concerns, such as anti-social behaviour. Often, people don’t realise they’re causing a problem. Working together we want great neighbourhoods that people are happy to call home.

Ways to be a good neighbour

Here are some specific things you can do to be a good neighbour.


To be a good neighbour:

  • try to do any noisy work, such as drilling or vacuuming, between 8 am and 8pm
  • keep the volume of your electronic equipment at a reasonable level, especially during unsocial hours


Communal areas

To be a good neighbour:

  • do not leave items in the communal areas which may be an obstruction
  • dispose of your rubbish in the bins provided and keep the area around the bins clean and tidy
  • don’t let people into the building that you don’t know
  • if you are getting rid of any bulky items, make arrangements for them to be collected, or take them to a recycling centre
  • report any communal repairs as soon as possible, like faulty door entry systems, light bulbs
  • keep communal doors locked and don’t wedge them open, they are there for your safety and the safety of your neighbours
  • store mobility scooters inside your home and seek permission for outside storage if necessary
  • do not cause damage in communal areas
Parking and vehicles

To be a good neighbour:

  • use only designated parking areas, avoid taking up more than one space, and never park on grass verges or in a way that obstructs others
  • clean up any mess left by your car, such as oil spills
  • only park in disabled bays if you have a blue badge - details are available on our website
  • keep garages clean and tidy
  • only carry out routine maintenance on personal vehicles at garage sites- no large or major works
Anti-social behaviour and neighbour disputes

Disagreements between neighbours are quite common. They are often easily resolved through good communication. It is important to remember that being a good neighbour involves compromise.

What you can do if your neighbour is causing problems

It is important to resolve disagreements quickly. This avoids long disputes with your neighbour. These are much harder to resolve and may need involvement by agencies like the Council or the Police.

Wherever possible and when it is safe to do so try talking to your neighbour. If you decide to approach your neighbour, pick a time when you are feeling calm. Shouting or being angry will cause more problems. Think through what you want to say and don’t stray from the main problem. Explain what is causing you an issue and why, and don’t jump to conclusions.

Listen to the person’s response as they may have a good reason for their behaviour. Or it might have been a one-off occasion. Always try to reach a solution that you are both happy with and walk away if you or the other person is getting angry.

When you are unable to resolve the issue yourself 

You should report your neighbour issue to us via:

If you are concerned for anyone’s safety within the household

Contact the police on 999 in an emergency or 101.

Reporting domestic abuse

On some occasions, what may seem like a noise issue could be domestic abuse. If you think you have witnessed or heard domestic abuse report it straight away to the Police. Your quick action can help to keep others safe.

If you are worried that a child has been harmed or is at risk of harm

Call the Sheffield Safeguarding Hub on 0114 273 4855 (available 24 hours) to speak to a social worker.


To be a good neighbour:

  • keep your gardens and driveways tidy - free from overgrowth or rubbish
  • dispose of green waste and unwanted items responsibly- for bulky items, use our bulky waste 
    collection service or drop them off at our recycling centres
  • contact your local area office to request permission before you start tree pruning works
  • subscribe to our green bin collection service for garden waste

You are responsible for the upkeep of your own garden, except for communal gardens.

Bins and recycling

To be a good neighbour:

  • dispose of all rubbish appropriately and use the rubbish chutes or bins provided
  • use local recycling sites to minimise landfill waste and use our free bulky item collection service once every 12 months
  • place the correct bins on the pavement for collection, unless you have an assisted collection arranged with Veolia
  • do not leave extra waste beside bins and ensure bin lids are closed
  • ensure you recycle correctly

For flats and tower blocks, Veolia will handle bin movement on collection day.


To be a good neighbour:

  • don’t leave pets alone for long periods of time or allow dogs to bark excessively
  • always clean up your pet’s mess, whether in your garden or on the pavement
  • ensure you keep your dog under control and do not allow it to cause nuisance to other people or animals

To be a good neighbour:

  • always request permission if you want to install domestic CCTV
  • ensure any CCTV use respects your neighbours' privacy and complies with legal standards
  • follow Information Commissioner Office guidance to ensure lawful use of CCTV

Contact Council Housing Service

0114 293 0000
Monday to Friday
8am to 5:30pm
Housing and Neighbourhood Service
PO Box 5967
S2 9GH

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