Welcome! As a student living in Sheffield, the bin collection services you use at home may be very different to those here. This is your quick guide to Sheffield's bin collection services.
Your black, blue and brown bins
If you live in a house in Sheffield you will have a brown bin and a blue bin for recycling and a black bin for your general waste.
- your brown bin is for glass, cans, tins and plastic bottles
- your blue bin is for paper and cardboard
- your black bin is for household waste

Replacement bins and extra capacity
Please make sure you put the correct items into your brown and blue bin. If they contain incorrect items they will not be emptied.
If one of your bins is missing or damaged, you can order a replacement.
If you live in a large household and your black bin is not big enough, you can apply for extra capacity.
When will my bins be emptied?
Use our collection day finder to find out when your bins will be emptied. One of your bins will be emptied each week.
You need to put your bin out on the pavement before 7am on your collection day. If your bin is not emptied, we can provide help and advice. Call 0114 2734567 (option 1) or use the link below.
Important reminders
- after it has been emptied, you need to return your bin to your property before 9am the following day. Please note that you may be fined if you leave your bin on the pavement between collections
- please do not leave extra waste next to your bins as this will not be taken
- please make sure the lid on your bin is closed. If your lid is not closed, your bin may not be emptied
Bin collections at flats
If you live in a flat or in purpose built student accommodation you will have shared waste and recycling containers. Check the bin labels to find out what you can recycle, or speak to your facilities management team.
Other waste services
Local Recycling Sites
You can use local recycling sites to recycle items that can not be recycled in your brown or blue bins such as foil, textiles and plastic pots, tubs and trays.
Household Waste Recycling Centres
You can take large items such as televisons and furniture to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre.