Steel Spirit Anniversary

A year of Sheffield Steel Spirit

Come on Sheffield - let's keep it going...

On 23rd March it will be a year since the Prime Minster announced the first lockdown. None of us envisaged the dramatic impact this would have on our lives and the tragedy that coronavirus would bring. Despite all the sadness and loss in what has been a dark time, a shining light has burned bright throughout. A light that comes from the strength of our humanity, kindness and selflessness for others. A defiance that won't let us be beaten, that searches for happiness and joy in the simple things - a Steel Spirit. We have been fortunate enough to capture many of the special moments in Sheffield.

Stay Steel Spirited! 9 year old Mia helps us look back over the last 12 months.

How can I get support or volunteer to help?

You can contact our community helpline and get support for people here. If you would like to offer your help as a volunteer or get involved in your community.

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Lady in car holding up goodie box which reads "Hello Sheffield neighbour"
Lots of goodie boxes on a kitchen worktop
Council worker in high visibility jacket standing next to "The Flowers Health Care" NHS sign whilst clearing snow
Lady stood in home entrance with a goodie box
Lady sat on wall looking at camera
Council worker clearing snow outside Woodhouse Clinic
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Thank you means so much

A boy and a girl behind window which has 2 painted rainbows on paper stuck to it
Hand written note on lined paper reading "Thank you - stay well xx" followed by a hand drawn love heart.
Sign  on building with rainbow arching over NHS logo, and text below reading "THANK YOU NHS & KEY WORKERS". A red love heart with "STAY SAFE" and a smiley face in it. At the bottom, it reads #STEELSPIRIT, which is beside the Sheffield City Council logo
A girl stands in a doorway next to bay windows which have a rainbow reaching across the middle 3 of 5
A lady is stood, looking happy, in front of blue car which has 4 rainbows stuck on it. A dog is stood on top of the car, and 2 people are behind the car in fancy dress.
A big rock in a park with a love heart carved into it, and "NHS" etched into the middle of the love heart.
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Staying safe

Two school girls looking at camera with thumbs up, one with a Sheffield United face mask, one with a Sheffield Wednesday face mask.
4 people stood or sat in a street talking to each other whilst socially distancing
Two people stood talking whilst socially distancing from each other
A girl with a facemask looking at the camera with both thumbs up
A man wiping a spaghetti packet
Two people sat on opposite ends of a bench wearing facemasks whilst socially distancing
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Looking after our mental health

A girl looking at her puppy which is asleep in her arms, on her lap
A lady and a boy playing Jenga together
A lady crouching next to a snow-man, snow-child and snow-dog
A boy asleep next to his dog
A man and lady jogging on a path next to a field on left and trees on right
A toddler looking into his garden where a person is mowing the lawn whilst in a dinosaur fancy dress costume
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Our front line service heroes

Two bin men stood with wheelie bins behind a bin lorry
A hospital worker in full scrubs putting on a facemask
A bus driver stood with his thumb up in front of a bus
A tram driver stands in front of a tram with his thumb up, looking at the camera
Staff stood socially distanced on grass outside hospital clapping
A bus driver looks at camera with both thumbs up, standing in front of the No. 75 bus to Batemoor.

How can I send in my good news story?

We would love to hear about any more great community spirit stories, no matter how large or small.

Whether it is some one you know or a total stranger, who has done a good deed or been really kind.

Please send us your community spirit stories and pictures so we can add to our steelspirit page.

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We have featured a series of stories from people across the city sharing how coronovirus has affected their lives and what they have done to get through the pandemic.